(2:End) "I Love You" Jett X Fem!Reader

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Warnings : angst, swearing

"You are my best Friend" you could see how Jett's body started to tense and so does yours. But after a couple of seconds you get yourself together. "Jett i have a big secret that i was keeping for months, because i was scared that you would hate me..." but before you could finish, Jett interrupts you "[Y/N] I love you, and i am totally okey that you don't feel the same, because we are best friends and how stupid of me to think that we could ever feel the same for each other. Because as you just said we are best friends and you don't know how sad it used to make me when you told me about your crushes and-- and, i don't know [Y/N] i am so sorry for loving you----and i can't take that shit anymore. I love you, [Y/N], i really really really love you!" Jett's eyes filled with tears because of that overwhelming feeling. No words left your mouth because you didn't expect that, you thought of every possible reaction that Jett would made, but you never thought of that. The room was filled with silence, Jett was silently crying while you just stand there not knowing what to say or to do anymore. You have the same feelings for her, but doesn't matter how much you try, no words left your mouth. "I have to go" Jett interrupts the silence and dashes towards the door, you tried to grab her Hand but before you reached her Hand she already dashed away, leaving you behind. "YOU DUMP BITCH [Y/N]" you yell at yourself. It makes you so mad that you just silently listen to her and didn't confessed. Sova must be so disappointed but your disappointment towards yourself was way bigger. You didn't knew what to do anymore, your thoughts are blank, your body won't move and the cold wind from the open window brushed against your neck.
Many hours passed since Jett dashed away, how many? You didn't knew, your time sense made you feel like years passed.

The evening passed by fast, Jett didn't came back home, she stayed at Sage's room crying herself out. And you stayed in your room, crying yourself to sleep which end up with you not sleeping at all.

The next morning you wake up to an phone call from the Valorant Boss, the Head men who gave you your job as an Radiant. You had 30 minutes to get ready, you didn't want the Boss to wait for you. As soon as you arrive there, you felt the tension in the room and you instantly knew that something bad is going to happen. "On time as always" the Boss smiles "Of course there is no way that i'll be late, Sir!" you reply as you sit down at the chair infront of your Bosses Desk. "I'm happy having you here as our Radiant because you always made me proud and seeing your career brings me a big smile,but there is a big but..." your Bosses expression got serious "We need you for an important mission.", "What mission?" you asked and your tense body relaxes. "I want you to go back to Russia and work there undercover. We want you to get some important informations from their data base" your heart dropped and you couldn't believe what he just said. "B-but why me? We have so many talented Agents a-and I'm just--" he interrupts you "You and Sova would make a great Team, i need both of you there. This mission is only for 5 months, you two will come back after 5 months with new information." his smile turned into a warning smile "Make sure that you bring new information." he then proceeded to give you a folder with the current information we have. You leave the office thanking him, he just nodded. You made your way to Sova so you can talk with him about yesterday and the new overwhelming information.

You talked with Sova about everything, even the Jett incident. He managed to calm you down.
Hours went by and as the sun set you knew you had to get back to your room. You left Sova's room slowly making your way to yours and Jett's room, your whole body started shivering. You slowly unlock the door of yours and Jett's "apartment" and for your surprise you see Jett standing there, waiting for you. "[Y/N] we need to talk, i overreacted and---" , "No it was my fault, jett, i should have articulated myself better. It was never my intention friendzoning you, or anything. I-I was just a fucking idiot that i didn't just told you have i really feel, because Jett, i fucking love you, i know for sure that i am gay and that all these years that i've been dating boys it felt wrong, because i like girls and the only girl i love is you Jett." your face was burning red, but so was Jett's. The room filled with silence for a second but Jett broke that silence by pulling you into a kiss, your arms pulled her closer to you and you enjoyed every second of the kiss and her touch. After a while both of you pull out of the kiss to gasp for air. Your faces still red like a potato but this time both of you had a big smile on it. "I love you [Y/N]" you pulled Jett into a hug, you wanted to be there for her, forever, just like you used to but as the realization strikes your mind you pull out of the hug "I need to tell you something..." your smile left your face and Jett looked worried at you. You then proceeded to tell her what the head chef told you, "I don't want to leave you, Jett..." tears run down your face but Jett managed to whipe them away. "This is the Job as an Radiant, don't worry about me, i will wait for you here" Jett smiles at you and you hug her again. Both of you proceed to go to bed together, it was the best night for both of you.



Words : 1047w
Published : 17th March(2021) 11:57am

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