(2) "it was him" Sova x Male!Reader

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Warnings : Wounded person, killing, Knife and alot of DRAMAAAAA!

"Sova!!! What the fuck was that?" but he got no answer from sova and as he was about to ask again, sova hung up...
Brimstone started to panic but stayed calm, he instantly made his way up to the Kingdom Boss and told him what happened.
Since the moment Sova hung up, he layed on the ground, his face facing then ground.
A hand grenade was thrown onto Sova's Balcony, the loud bang during the call was the hand grenade exploding, tearing the small windows and the glass door apart. Sova managed to get as unharmed as possible, to avoid any sniper attacks, he kept on laying on the ground but he slowly was crawling towards his Bow and Arrows. Small pieces of broken glass digged into his skin, but Sova kept on crawling until he reached his gear, he instantly pulled his stuff from the table and precisely shot it against the wall so it bounced away landing on the balcony. And bingo his vision dart found two people, standing across his balcony ontop of a roof. But it looked weird, sova slowly stood up and looked towards those two people, one of these two people was holding the other person on their throat, it took Sova a few seconds until he realised that the person getting choked is already dead. "WHO ARE YOU?" Sova yelled while pulling out his ghost. The stranger dropped the corpse and it slowly rolled down the roof. "You're welcome" the other person answered and jumped down from the roof, grabbing a balcony fence and swinging themselves, so they landed on the balcony underneath it.

Sova couldn't move an inch, his body was like frozen, how ironic, king of the cold being all frozen. This whole situation made him ignore his buzzing phone. Sova's vision turned black and he landed on the ground, around him and underneath him, shattered window pieces, next to him, his still buzzing phone.

Sova woke up in the hospital but not the normal russian hospital, no, he woke up in the emergency airplane Hospital from Kingdom. He sat up and looked around, next to him a sleeping Brimstone. "You woke up" Killjoy said, she was sittings next to the room door "We are currently on our way back to Kingdom. You don't have dangerous wounds, but you'll have alot of scars. Brimstone was worried sick about you...","I need to go back" sova interrupts Killjoy.

[Y/N]'s perspective

You arrived at your home, instantly ripping your clothes off of your body and changing into some clean once. Your whole body was shaking, seeing HIM after so many years. Your Parents told you, he hated you and now he is here in Russia, at least was. You stormed into the bathroom and washed your face, while trying to convince yourself that everything you saw was fake. But you knew it was real, HE was real and your heart still was beating for him. You remembered the time, where you could burry your face in his chest, because he always was taller then you and even know you saw that he got alot taller since you saw him the last time. "Shut it [Y/N], he is just in Russia for a mission, that would make sense, why his brother sent people who should execute him" you hit your fist against the Wall, just missing the Mirror for an inch. You calmed yourself and proceeded to grab your equipment, afterwards putting on a black mask and a black jacket. Leaving your Home, you hopped onto your Motorcycle and speeded out of the garage. Your destination was Sova's Brother. It took you a whole 2h ride until you finally arrived at Sova's Brother's place, you kicked open the door and grabbed your knife, walking straight up to him. "WHERE IS HE?!" you yelled placing your knife right at his throat. "[Y/N] so you finally found out that he is back?", "You sent somebody else to kill your brother instead of doing it on your own, scared that you won't manage to do it?" You teased him "And now tell me, where the fuck is Sova?!" you almost yelled. "Don't ask me [Y/N], he is probably not in Russia anymore. His only plan in Russia was to spy on my company, nothing more, he is probably back in Kingdom. Without wasting any thought on you. [Y/N] i don't want to disappoint you, but Sova probably lost all the feelings he had for you." This last sentence caught you off guard, maybe he was right, maybe Sova forgot about you. Maybe he found somebody better then you. All these thoughts started filling your head, it made you crazy, all these questions without answers. Sova's Brother took advantage of this moment and turned this whole game around, by grabbing the knife out of your Hand and holding it against your throat. "You are coming with me, [Y/N], i'll make sure that Sova comes back to save you. But he won't survive it. Don't worry [Y/N] i will definitely make sure of this, too." You could feel his disgusting smile without even seeing it. And then your memory cut off.

You wake up in a room, you can't move or see anything. But you knew that you are tied to a chair, a bright light turns on and you quickly shut your eyes. "These lights are too light, you fucker!", "I sure hope they are, [Y/N]. Soon we will inform Sova and all he is going to find is, you tied to a chair, breathing heavily and slowy dying."
The second Sova's Brother finished the sentence all the lights shut down. "WHO TURNED THE LIGHTS OFF?!" Sova's Brother shouted, then the room next to you suddenly exploded. And the moment you look to the direction from where the explosion came you hear something familiar and you knew it was him---


Words: 1000w

Oh my god i finally did it, i finished this chapter, sorry for taking so long, but my mental health was like, hi and bye bitch. Bc of schook i was exhausted and tired of everything and everyone but now i am hopefully back. I probably won't upload anytime soon tho, bc i am going on vocation soon and i just started my drivers license so i am currently studying alot and stuff. But i will definitely work on the next chapters from day to day, at least everytime i have to motivation for it!

Thank you for your support and for 21,3K views on this story!!! I am very thankful!!!!

10th July, 2021 12:18am

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