(3:End) "This time for real!" Chamber x Fem!Reader

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This story is build on Theories that i made for myself! These Theories may not be the same as yours or they don't actually work with the newest lore release's! So be warned!


Another day passed and you, Viper, Reyna, Chamber and a few others were sitting in the living room. No one knows about the fact that you and Brimstone date, maybe they did realize that you spend a lot of time together, but everytime anyone asks you or Brim if you date, you two would say No.

Brimstone walks happily into the living room where everyone was and happily announces.

Brimstone: [Y/N] and I are Dating!

You couldn't believe what you just heard and froze. It's just a hallucination, that should not happen, you an Brim talked about it. You especially said you would discuss it before announcing it! You could feel everyone's eyes glaring at you, especially Chambers.

Viper: You thought we didn't notice? You two behaved like a disgusting couple the last few weeks.

Killjoy: Viper is right. Congratulations! Or in German Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

Phoenix: Was it that obvious? Mate i didn't realize.

Jett: Well yeah because the only thing you realize is when your hair looks bad

Phoenix: Wow, wow, that's not true....but is it?

Yoru: Your Hair looks fine, Phoenix

As everyone is talking, either about the announcement or something different you couldn't move or say something at all. You felt lied to, how could he announce that without talking to you first?? What was he thinking about?? Was he thinking at all??! You were about to get up but heard a familiar voice speak.

Chamber: Seems like you are the only one who was ready to tell that everyone.

Chamber looked towards Brimstone

Brimstone: What do you mean?

Chamber looked away from Brimstone now looking at you. He took off his glasses, cleaning them. You somehow felt relieved but somehow shocked at the same time.

Chamber: Your partner over there doesn't look all so happy about the fact you dropped this news. Did you talk about this? Or what were you trying?

He put his glasses back on, now staring at Brimstone. His face expression was a mix of anger and coldness. Brimstone never really liked Chamber, did he drop this news because he wanted Chamber to have a reaction?

Brimstone: What do you care, she is my girlfriend not yours. I just-

Brimstone looked away, was he feeling guilty?

[Y/N]: You just what?

You gathered all your strength and spoke up. Brimstones Body language instantly showed how tense he was and now since you spoke up he was more tense then before.

[Y/N]: We had agreed on talking about that before announcing it. I don't remember you talking to me about that?

You crossed your Arms, still looking towards Brimstone but he looked away. Avoiding your  glance.

Viper: Didn't thought you were this childish Brim.

Viper stood up, she and Brimstone are very close friends and colleagues. Everyone respected Viper, she could do such stuff you couldn't imagine. No one, except Omen, talks disrespectful towards her. Even Phoenix speaks politely towards Viper.

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