(3:End) "get over it.." Sova x Male!Reader

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Warnings : Blood mentioned, if you are physically unstable don't read this chapter (get better soon! :) Please, don't read this when you are really unstable, i mean it!

And the moment you look from where the explosion came you hear something familiar and you knew it was him. Sova showed up and next to him a woman or is it a girl? It feels like a movie to you, all these Hero appearance things and all the save your loved one, but you didn't care at all, you saw Sova again, the love of your life. The one who made you feel loved for once. Sova's Brother went for an Attack towards Sova, but a small bot ran towards him, not even a second later a granate similar thing landed next to him and got activated. All these little things caught your Attention so hard that you didn't even notice how Sova was already cutting all the ties, that were tied to your hands. The moment you felt your hands free you turned around and saw him. "As tall as always, Sov." you smile confidently but your inner self just face palmed itself, WHY DID I SAY THAT?! But Sova laughed "You changed alot, [Y/N]" his hand stroke your cheek and you looked up to his beautiful eyes. Your cheeks slowly turned into an pinkish-red. "Sova ---", "Sorry for interrupting your lovely dovely thingy but i think we need to go, Brimstone is waiting" said the girl in the green beanie, her accent instantly gave away that she is German. Sova let out a big sigh but a big smile on his face appeared after awhile "[Y/N] come with us! Join Kingdom! Be a part of our Family! We can be together like back in the days, like we used to! [Y/N], please come with me, you are not save here, anymore..." he grabbed both of your hands holding them tight, as if he was scared that you would just disappear in that second. You smiled bright and nodded, you could finally spend the rest of your life with Sova, happily ever after. All of you made their way to the Kingdom helicopter and the German girl, who introduced herself as Killjoy planted a few bombs. Destroying the whole place where you were hold, while flying away.
Finally everything had an End and you could be with him, you hugged him and pulled him down for a kiss but as you close your eyes and try to kiss Sova, some strange feeling comes over you. "You have to wake up [Y/N]" you open your eyes. Sova looked into your eyes cold-hearted, as if he wasn't himself. "What? No, I am awake, Sova what are you--" you look around you, while pushing Sova away from you. The room around you slowly turned black, only leaving you and Sova there. "This is a joke, wait no, i don't understand, Sova? What is?! I don't understand..." your eyes slowly filled up with tears and you felt like something went through your chest. Your body started shaking, your eyes haven't left Sova's, but your Hand slowly went over your chest where the pain was coming. As you leave Sova's Eyes you take a look at your Hand and you see blood. And it made you instantly realise "You are dead, [Y/N], i couldn't save you" You feel how your legs gave up and you break down to your knees, all the energy you had, left your body, you felt so weak. Everything that--no "How long am i already dead?!" you yell with the last energy that is still in your body. You tried to look up to Sova, just to realise that this isn't him anymore. "Since you came over to me and attacked me, you indeed are a bad fighter, [Y/N]" The last thing before you passed out was the smile of Sova's Brother and then everything around you went black.

Sova's pov

Sova and Killjoy just arrived at the place his brother told them to come and as soon as they arrived and his brother showed up, he new something bad happened. "You are covered in blood, brother." Sova pointed out, placing his hand on his gun, just in case. "Indeed, you do have an owl eye, Mother loved you for your beautiful eyes. Father was proud of you, for who you became. And even the love of my life, fell in love with you. You had everything, brother and you gave up everything. Even your lover [Y/N] fought for you until his death." Sova's brother teared up but kept that calm and passiv aggressive face expression. Killjoy stepped up and pointed her gun at him,"Tell us where he is and you will leave with only a few scratches!", "You want to see [Y/N]?! HERE YOU HAVE HIM!" a big explosion appeared behind Sova's Brother and [Y/N]'s body was dropped from above, just a thicc rope around his waist was holding him in the air. "HERE YOU WANTED TO SEE [Y/N]?! HERE YOU HAVE HIM, HE CAME TO ME FOR REVENGE, BECAUSE I ATTACKED YOU THE OTHER DAY! HIS EYE'S SHOWED ME HOW MUCH HE HATED ME. BUT EVEN NOW I CAN'T STOP LOVING HIM. BUT SOVA GUESS WHAT, IF I CAN'T HAVE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE, NEITHER CAN YOU!" sova's brother bursts out into a psychotic laughter, making everyone step back. Sova's Eye's couldn't leave [Y/N] hanging body. It took him a few seconds to realise that [Y/N] is dead, that his love is for real dead. That pale body, with a blood soaked Tshirt. "You are not my brother anymore. You killed a person that has nothing to do with our private problems" Sova pointed his gun towards his brother. "I am sorry" without even flinching or closing his eye's Sova shot his brother right through his head, dropping his gun afterwards. His eyes filled with tears, he haven't just lost his love, no, now his brother died because he killed him. While killjoy contacted Brimstone, around Sova the world went mute, his eyes looked from [Y/N] to his brother and back.

After Brimstone finally arrived, they took [Y/N] 's body with them and Sova got rid of his brothers body. His last visit to his grandmother was to inform her about the death of her nephew and [Y/N] which made her burst out in tears. Sova comforted her till he had to leave.

Back in Kingdom, Sova brought [Y/N] 's body to a cemetery where he was buried after a few days. Since then Sova's life changed completely, he now had the blood of his brother on his hands. And he lost the love of his life.
But due to his family in Kingdom he managed to get over it at least alittle bit.


Words: 1143w

Welcome to the last chapter of the Sova x Reader. I hope you liked it, sorry for the long waiting. But this one emotionally took me with it. I am sorry for such a plot twist. And i hope y'all can relax now, i hope nobody felt psychological broken, bc i want all of you to be happy and healthy. To everyone who feels sad now, feel hugged i am there for ya :)
Now i hope y'all gonna have the patience for the upcoming Yoru x Reader :) because this one is going to be happy, at least i hope so :)

27th August, 2021 9:32am

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