(3) "It's about Phoenix" Yoru x Fem!Reader x Phoenix

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Credits to picture : @Lemonerd_art  from Twitter!

Warnings : None

"How do you want to be called then?" your face instantly heated up and you felt so embarrassed. "Huh?" , "How about Princess?" he was so close that you felt his breath, how his chest raise and lowers but also his heartbeat. You couldn't move even a little bit and as you heard another familiar voice you relaxed and pushed Yoru away. "Bro leave her alone, what is your problem?!" you made your way passed Yoru towards Phoenix and he pulled you closer to you. "Thank god, Phoenix saved me!!!!" your face was still red and as you made eye contact with Yoru, he just smiled teasingly at you, making you even more embarrassed. "I was just talking to [Y/N] about how perfekt my aim was today! Anyway I have to go, being as handsome as me takes a lot of rest!" You couldn't stop looking at him while he was going. Something about him is actually pretty handsome. From his Face to how he dresses, both a combination that is wonderful. "Sorry i couldn't be earlier here! Did he do something bad?" Phoenix grabbed both your shoulders and looked at your worryingly. You needed a few seconds to get out of your day dreaming and thinking in general. But as you realized everything around you and you processed the event that happened you smiled at Phoenix and nodded. "I'm fine! He haven't done anything bad! He just asked me a stupid question!" you felt how the awkwardness build up between you and Phoenix. "Okey, as long as he didn't touch you or anything, it's okey!"
Your ways split after you told Phoenix you wanted to go to the Gym. "See you at the Gym later, cutie!" Phoenix waved at you and walked away, you stood there in shock for a few moments. Phoenix used to call you nicknames but the ones that friends would usually use, like "Buddy", "Pal", "Bro" and many more. Phoenix calling you "cutie" felt so weird but somehow you liked it when Phoenix showed you that kind of attention. With an big smile you made your way to the Gym and started your usual Gym routine.

Phoenix perspective

He walked away from [Y/N] and the strange feeling in his Body loosen after a while. He made his way to Yoru's Room, where Yoru was already expecting him. "I called her Princess and you should have seen her face!! Pathetic!!" He started laughing and smiled at Phoenix. "She definitely won't lose her feelings towards me, I mean the way she couldn't move around me or the fact that she turned tomato red! You can already buy the Tickets, you lost!!" Phoenix didn't answer he just listened to Yoru's pathetic talk. And within a split second Phoenix had a wonderful idea. "How about all our friends have a vacation at the beach! And there we will have to win over [Y/N]'s heart! The loser pays as promised." Yoru started laughing like he couldn't believe what Phoenix was saying. "I mean it, but if you are so scared of losing, just give up!" , "As if i would lose against you! I'm way more handsome then you, fire face!" Yoru just laughed it off, but Phoenix had the strange feeling that Yoru was scared even if it's only a itsy bitsy at least Phoenix knew that Yoru was indeed scared! "Bet! In the end [Y/N] decides!" Yoru nodded and the boys spend their time together mocking each other, just for fun. After a few hours Phoenix made his way towards the Kingdom Gym. In Kingdom they have everything. It's like a small city. The adult always say that "Here we are safe", when Phoenix joined Brimstone was the one who teached him about the whole story about Kingdom. After that Viper mostly spend her time showing Phoenix everything that was more secret. In the end Phoenix is Vipers helper and usually she takes him with her on secret missions. His fire was always in good use on these missions.
Phoenix was so deeply thinking that he didn't realize that he stopped midway and stood there for maybe 10 minutes.

[Y/N]'s perspective

You just left the Gym, asking yourself where Phoenix were. He promised you to exercise with you but he didn't show up. As you walk your way back you see Phoenix standing there, thinking? Did he again zoned out? You walked towards him tapping him on the shoulder, which made him wake up and come back to reality. "Uh sorry i was thinking about stuff!" you looked up to him, your face expression showed how worried you are for him. "Is  everything alright?" you reached out to Phoenix Hand but he pulled his hand away before you could even reach it. "Oh sorry, i wasn't planning on making you uncomfortable. Sorry!!" you put your Hands in your Pockets. "[Y/N] I'm sorry, i gotta go! You should go back to your room, too!" and as soon as he finished his sentence he walked away. You watched him walk away and you couldn't stop worrying, something is off! And you have to find out what was wrong! So instead of walking to your room, you made your way to Jett. If something is wrong with Phoenix she definitely can help! As you knock at Jett's door, nobody opens it, so you try opening the door by yourself and shockingly it opened without any hesitation. "JETT?!" you yelled into her room, slowly going inside and turning the light on. But as you turn the light on, jett jumps in front of you and scares the living hell out of you. As an defense mechanism you slapped her and instantly regret it, but as you apologize you realize that she is still laughing at you. "This isn't funny Jett! You scared the shit out of me!!!!" but she couldn't answer you, it took her a few minutes till she calmed her self and didn't start laughing instantly. "I'm sorry, [Y/N] but you should have seen your face! It was hilarious!!!"  you let out a small chuckle "Okey, okey, but we need to talk..." you walked towards her desk and took a seat on the chair. Jett sat down in front of you on the table. "If a sentence starts with 'We need to talk' it won't end good....but tell me what is up?" you take a deep breath. "It's about Phoenix..."


Words : 1085

:))) Chamber is coming to Valorant hehe

16th November,2021  2:48PM

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