(1) "Wait..." Gekko X Fem!Reader

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This story is build on Theories that i made for myself! These Theories may not be the same as yours or they don't actually work with the newest lore release's! So be warned!

Info: [Y/n/N] = Your Nickname

Gekko: Yo what is taking you so long!

You hear your friend Gekko groan as he paciently waits for you on your bed. He asked you to visit the skating park with him, but he forgot that it takes you AGES in the bathroom.

Gekko: Common' [Y/n/N], Wingman wants to go,too!

[Y/N]: All right all right. I'm almost done!

You yell out of the bathroom and all you hear is how both Gekko and Wingman groan. Dizzy just let's out a little giggle. As you put your hair in a ponytail and put a cap on, you finish your Eyeliner. Usually you would stop there, but today you felt a little bit extra, so you put on some lipgloss and now you were ready. As you leave the bathroom both Gekko and Wingman jump up in excitement when they heard the bathroom door open.

[Y/N]: I'm ready!

Gekko: Let's go! Go! Go!

Gekko grabs you by your hand and Wingman jumps on your foot and grabs onto your jeans. And with that you were pulled out of your room, you didn't had to worry about your skateboard because Gekko had already grabbed it.

[Y/N]: Wow. Calm down, i'll trip if you pull me like that!

You laugh and with an instant Gekko let's go of your Hand, his cheeks turning into a pinkish tone.

Gekko: Oh damn, I'm sorry

He smiled and you laughed.

[Y/N]: It's alright~

As soon as you reach the skatepark Gekko gives you your skateboard. You haven't skate in quite a while which made you feel very nervous but Wingman tapped your leg and it helped you to calm down.

Gekko: Don't freeze like that! You can do it, I know you can. Am I right Wingman?

Wingman nodded and jumped down from your leg. But even though Gekko tries to comfort you, you still felt the anxiety. It's just skating, but you don't want to embarrass yourself infront of Gekko...

Gekko: Ah Common'!

He grabbed your Hand and pulled you towards him, taking the skateboard out of your Hands placing it between himself and you. Gently he takes your other Hand.

Gekko: And now step on the Skateboard! You can do this!

You felt relieved, relieved because of his soft smile. You loved it when he did weird face expression or when Dizzy, Wingman and Thrash as a group started jumping on him. Wingman usually grabs onto Gekkos Head, Thrash grabs his foot and Dizzy accidentally flies against his face or belly. Your first reaction is laughing while asking him if hes fine. But this always turns into him attacking you with tickles. As your head goes through happy memories, gekko stands there looking confused.

Gekko: Your smile tells me that you thought about the moment Wingman tackled me to the ground!

He lets go of your Hands and began tickling you. You instantly tried to get away from him and as you were running away you yelled.

[Y/N]: Not true! I was thinking about how Dizzy coincidentally always flies into your face or belly!

You laughed but after a while your unsporty ass couldn't run without sounding like you were about to collapse. As you stop and take a break, Gekko takes that moment and grabs you by the Waist and carries you towards the skateboard.

[Y/N]: At least carry me Like a Bridge!

Gekko: Hell nah! After you made me chase you like a crazy boy, you don't deserve to be carried like a princess or bride!

Both of you started laughing and you enjoyed the moment a lot, time passed slowly, as if nothing else mattered, just the two of you. But that moment had to End after he placed you directly onto the skateboard. In panic you grabbed his shoulders.

Gekko: See! Ain't that hard, bunny!

Your face turned bright red but he didn't notice, at least you thought so. He continued to help you skate and after awhile you skated on your own, even trying out the ramps in the skatepark. Gekko looked happy, proud of himself, he indeed was a good teacher, you knew how much he loved skating. And seeing him happy made you feel happy, too. You also had a weird tingling in your belly every time he hold your Hand, or gave you a cute nickname.

After a long day at the skating park you sat down. Gekko put his jacked on the seat before you sat down.

Gekko: So you don't freeze your butt off!

He laughed and you jokingly hit his shoulder. As you were about to say something Wingman took his moment and ran off. Both of you instantly jumped up.

[Y/N]: Wingman! Comeback! Where are you going?!?!

Gekko: Don't you dare buy another Bubbletea! You had one this morning!!

Gekko laughed and you looked confused, he saw your confusion and explained to you that recently Wingman found out about Bubbletea and since then have been drinking them daily.

[Y/N]: Where does he get the money from?

Gekko: Well at first the shop gave it to him for free, because he's cute. But now he found out that he has a piggy bank where i put some money each week.

[Y/N]: Really? Well that is very cute! As if he is your Son!

Gekko: Dizzy and Trash have a piggy bank, too! They are my buddies!

You laughed at how cute Gekko was and after 30 minutes Wingman returned with three Bubbletea's. You instantly thanked him and hugged him. Wingman gave you the first Bubbletea before he gave Gekko his which made you giggle.

[Y/N]: Seems like Wingman likes me more than you!

You teased Gekko but it wasn't effective.

Gekko: Understandable, I mean who doesn't like you...

And before you could say anything he stood up, grabbed Wingman and stretched.

Gekko: It's getting dark, let me walk you home, you need your sleep [Y/n/N].

He waited till you stood up and the both of you started walking. your face still red after what he said but you were way too nervous to say anything. But you were able to catch a glimpse of Gekkos cheeks that slightly turned red. But as time has come, you reached your destination and smiled.

[Y/N]: Thank you for walking me home.

Gekko: Beard Papi would have killed me if i let you walk home alone at that our....and i wanted to make sure that you come home safe. Don't want anything happening to my bestie!

[Y/N]: Yeah Brim would've been angry at you if you didn't. Good Night Gekko!

But before you could close your door Gekko held it open, he bit down on his lip before he spoke.

Gekko: Wait...


Welcome to my Gekko fanfiction! Hope your are ready for some cute stuff after many many many chapters of sadness and anxiety! Listen to your love songs and let yourself into a world where [Y/N] and Gekko learn how to love each other!

1170 words

16th March 2024, 7:21pm

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