(2:End) "Affirmative" Kayo x Fem

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Warnings: Mentioning of death, death in general, children getting hurt , suicide!!!!!!!

This story is build on Theories that i made for myself! These Theories may not be the same as yours or they don't actually work with the newest lore release's! So be warned!

Kayo: "I thought you might be happy to see me"

[Y/N]: "As if, i rather die then have you in my life ever again"

Kayo: "That's why I'm here. As you see, I'm in the process of changing into a Roboter"

You let him go and he builds himself up, looking down at you.

[Y/N]: "Tell me what the fuck you want and then go away"

Kayo: "I want you to join me and Brimstone on a mission."

[Y/N]: "I'll pass. I'm living my best life right now!"

Kayo: "Hmm, it does not look like it. You lost your fake marriage, changed your name and made up a fake story that you've died. So that you can have a new fake identity."

[Y/N]: "And? You and Brim were stalking me!"

Kayo: "Your child, that you gave birth to thinks you are dead! What a bad mother you are, how does it feel living in a world were your child thinks you are dead."

This made you snap, this thought has been hunting you for years now. Knowing that your child will grow up not knowing you are actually still alive.

Kayo: "Your last mission- this will be the last mission and we will make sure you can live a peaceful life and go back to your child."

You looked up to Kayo, he wasn't lying, his expression told you so. You knew how his posture and expression would look like if he was lying.

[Y/N]: "Fine. Only this mission"

End of Flashback

Jett: "[Y/N]! Hey! You alright?"

A worried Jett pocked you in your Arm. Was I knocked out? You smiled.

[Y/N]: "I'm sorry, I haven't slept well in a while. Did i miss something important?"

They shook their heads. Brim called us over and we made our way to Planet B. The Plan was to find as much information about what Planet B was planning as possible. But you knew that you have a second mission. And the mission was to find Kayo B and ask him if he knows what happened to your Kayo.
Time passes, the flight to Planet B feels endless, but your team arrives sooner or later.

Brim: "It looks exactly like over at our planet."

Kj: "No. You are not right! Their radianite level is way lower then ours! And some buildings aren't there!"

Yoru: "That explains why these fuckers use our planet."

[Y/N]: "Yea...seems like it"

You looked around you, in hope of regaining some more lost memories, but nothing happens. Brim is telling all of you the plan and the next steps, he then puts you in groups of two, pairing you with Phoenix. The two of you made your way to explore, time passes and nothing happens.

Phoenix: "Well that's bollocks, nothing interesting happens. I'm bored"

You haven't counted how many times he said that line. But he was right, nothing is happening and you haven't collected andy informations that could be necessary.

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