(2) "[Y/N] and I are Dating!" Chamber X Fem!Reader

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This story is build on Theories that i made for myself! These Theories may not be the same as yours or they don't actually work with the newest lore release's! So be warned!

Warnings: none

You walked towards home, the cold breeze of the wind made you shiver. You felt a present, someone was walking not too far from you, this person's eyes were locked onto you, you were definitely their target. You walked faster and faster, at one point you were running, you had the feeling you lost the person. But as you stopped at a lantern to take a quick break somebody grabs you by your shoulder and turns you around.

??: Why are you running?

As the person turns you around, so you can face them, you grab them by the arm and in a moment where the person puts their guard down you pull him anto your back und throw him onto the ground.

As the person turns you around, so you can face them, you grab them by the arm and in a moment where the person puts their guard down you pull him anto your back und throw him onto the ground

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Chamber: Fuck

He groans, as you look down on him you panic but at the same time you are overwhelmed with joy.

[Y/N]: I just threw YOU, a large man, over MY shoulder! Holy shit!

You start laughing happily, as you continue talking about how you threw chamber 0ver your shoulder. He stood up and patted the dust off of his clothes, he definitely was happy about this situation but he didn't say anything and waited till you calmed down.

[Y/]: Wow, damn! Okey so...

You finally calmed yourself, your face expression changes from happy to mad and you look up to Chamber.

[Y/N]: What in the fuck are YOU doing here. And why did you follow me?! You know how fucking weird that is and how much you scared me?!

As you ranted about how stupid that action of Chamber was, he only looked at you, not giving a single fuck about the things you were talking.

Chamber: Why were you on a date with Brimstone?

[Y/N]: The fuck you want. It shouldn't bother you anymore. Remember I broke up with you--

You took a deep breath

[Y/N]: --6 MONTHS ago

You felt as if you were talking to a Wall, Chamber did not give a reaction to your answer as if he wanted a different answer to his questions. He probably was waiting for a "yes" or "no" but you decided that he doesn't deserve that answer. When he had the chance to change he didn't. Now that you "moved" on, he wants you back, but you are not that easy to get.

[Y/N]: I gave you my answer, don't think you will get more then this. You don't deserve shit Chamber. I am not obligated to give you an answer.

As you were about to turn and walk away from his, you saw how he was about to reach for your Hand, so you stopped in your tracks.

[Y/N]: I fucking warn you, grab me again, and this time you won't survive with just a over the shoulder throw.

You glared at him, with angry eyes, which indeed made him retract his hand and he stepped away from you.

Chamber: You know, you will regret not letting me talk. Pathetic.

He walked away, leaving you alone, as he walked you could sometimes see his back as he walked beneath a streetlight. After he finally was gone you looked up to the streetlights under which you were standing.


With strength you kicked the streetlight and an instant regret went through your body. That kick hurt that much, that you felt a sort of lightning going through your body, your eyes slowly filling up with tears. You slowly sink to the ground, you were a mess, not knowing what you really feel or what not. 6 Months may have passed, but your feelings haven't, it didn't make sense he hurt you, he gave zero fucks about you throughout the relationship, how could you possibly still have feelings for that human. Disgusted with yourself, you stood up, patted the dust off of you and walked towards the same direction to which Chamber previously was walking towards. It was a pain, but there was no other way around to the base, after you finally arrived at your destination, that being your room, you saw the flowers that Brimstone gave you and a letter laying in front of your door. You carefully pick both things up and walk into your room.

[Y/N]: For fuck sake, I forgot to take the flowers with me... Brim stop being so nice.

You put the flowers in a vase with water and reached for the letter. It reads as follows:

Dear [Y/N]
I may not be the one in your heart right now, but you are the one in mine. Your laugh, your smile, how you make my day with just talking and saying weird stuff. I learned so much from you, remember you told me that slugs have 4 noses? Well yea i remember quite a lot of these random things you used to talk about during lunch break. I would like to invite you to another date. He may be in your heart right now, but maybe with enough time together i could be in yours instead of him?

You felt your face turning red, your cheeks burning as if you were standing in a hot room. Even after being  rejected he still wants to be with me. Not in an toxic bad way, but in a respectable way, at least you hoped so. Maybe Brimstone is right, a way to overcome my feelings for Chamber you have to try and force Brimstone into your heart.

[Y/N]: That's not unhealthy, is it?

You spoke to yourself, now questioning if that method is really as healthy as you thought. But if you don't try you won't know, maybe after Chamber sees that you date Brimstone, maybe then he will stop coming near you.

[Y/N]: I should talk to Reyna or Viper about love...hmm probably just with Reyna, Viper isn't really the type of person to date. Or at least not the usual lovely dovely shit. She probably tried to poison her loved one...

Your body shivers to that though. After putting the letter away you changed into your comfy clothes and soon after that you went to bed.

As the next week went by, you talked to Brimstone about his letter and both of you decided to start dating. You promised to him, that if nothing changes with your feelings you would inform him. But guess what, since that day you decided to date, two months already passed by and while Brimstone is enjoying the time with you, you are scared to bring up the topic you promised to inform him about. Even after two month of dating him your feelings for Chamber didn't change.

Another day passed and you, Viper, Reyna, Chamber and a few others were sitting in the living room. No one knows about the fact that you and Brimstone date, maybe they did realize that you spend a lot of time together, but everytime anyone asks you or Brim if you date, you two would say No.

Brimstone walks happily into the living room where everyone was and happily announces.

Brimstone: [Y/N] and I are Dating!


1237 words
17th February 2024 , 10:11 am

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