(4:End) "Good Night,darling" Brimstone X Fem!Reader

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Credits for Artwort :

Warnings :
-swearing, mentioning of war and death, angst
-This story is build on Theories that i made for myself! These Theories may not be the same as yours or they don't actually work with the newest lore release's! So be warned!


Brimstone's face turned sad, was it the realization of what he did or the guilty feeling that broke him since the beginning of this war. He wasn't sure, but he knew that he fucked up, he lost the only person he loved for years. He not only lost you, he also broke you these past months.

Brim: "I..."

→recap end←

But before he could finish his sentence they got interrupted by a Soldier. K and Brimstone instinctively pointed their guns at the soldier.

Soldier: "P-please d-don't shoot! I-i am Evan's G. I am a low soldier from your troops, Sir!"

Brimstone instantly lowered his gun.

Brim: "You were the soldier who informed us about the bombing! I gave you the command to bring [Y/N] to safety! Where is she!"

Brimstone walked up to the young Soldier, grabbing onto his shoulders and slightly shaking him. He was serious which scared the young soldier.

Soldier: "S-she went missing after i escorted her and the other women to a camp. But after an hour i couldn't find her anywhere. There could be a chance that she--"


His voice was loud and angry, on the one hand he was angry that the soldier fucked up the one task that he gave him. On the other Hand he knew that you wouldn't sit still, you weren't that type of Women who could just sit and watch. He hated the fact that he broke you after months of dating, he hated that feeling that he fucked up. And now, the chance that you were dead made him hate himself even more then when he gave the command to escort you.

K: "How many of your Soldier friends are still alive and ready for a search action. We need to find as many people as possible."

Soldier: "Yes Sir! Find as many survivors from our Side"

Brim: "No, find as many survivors as possible. Doesn't matter their age, gender and which side they're on. Find survivors and give them the needed treatment. Commander K and I are going to recruit a few soldiers for the search of [Y/N] [Y/l/N]"

Soldier: "Yessir!"

And as soon as the command was given the search action began. Soldiers who were mentally and physically stable enough helped the search action. A few people from town also joined in, mostly Men who worked on farm's.
The military sent helpers and within a few weeks a hundred of people were cleaning the area's. A few survivors were found and directly exported into the nearest medical camp.

Brim: "Fucking shit"

K: "No sign of [Y/N]. All 500 corpses that were exported to us were checked and non of them were her."

Brim: "Then this means she isn't dead! We have to find her! At least so that i can say sorry and goodbye!"

K: "Understand. We will keep looking for her."

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