(3:End) "Yes i do" Omen X Reader

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Warnings : Depression thoughts, close to death scene

"I love---" Omen took a deep breath "I love my Girlfriend" and within a second Omen vanished. He obviously lied but he didn't knew why he said that. Omen left you with a broken heart behind, the second person already. First Phoenix breaks your heart and now Omen. You definitely weren't lucky with Love. You felt your heart beat faster and the pain got bigger, it's an indescribable feeling, you wanted to rip out your heart, this pain in your chest. Slowly you made your way out of your bed and the hospital room, walking towards the exit as fast as you can. But the pain got worse within every step you made and right before you could made it through the exit your view turned black and your whole body collapsed on the floor.

It was dark around you but you couldn't open your eyes or feel your body. Are you dreaming? You look around you, obviously only seeing black walls around you, you also looked down seeing your body but you were also slightly floating above thr ground. So either way you are asleep and in a dream or you are in a coma and this is how it feels to be in a coma.

But instead of waiting till you wake up you took this opportunity and wanted to get free from all the things that bothered you lately. And this clean area is a great place to talk yourself out.

"Well, i got my heart broken twice, first Phoenix and now Omen. I got over Phoenix and i am very happy about that, but Omen... I don't even know why he is that--- no i know why he is such an important person to me. He supported me even before i tried go get rid of the Crush i had for Phoenix. And all these bad things I said, I am sorry, really. I am just so god damn unstable right know and this heartbreak is making me go insane. I am slowly loosing control over my body. I am slowly loosing the hope in love... I am loosing a reason to live. And I already lost him so why should i even be here. I don't want to breath when i know that i can't share the same love with him. I sound weird. I KNOW THAT. BUT IS THIS TOO MUCH TO ASK?! IS IT TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR?! I JUST WANT TO BE HAPPY, I WANT TO LIVE, I WANT A LIFE, A LIFE WHERE I CAN BE HAPPY! ---" you break down on your knees crying but no tear is rolling down your face. And slowly all your emotions fade away. You look down to your Hands seeing how they slowly turn into dust. Are you dying?! "NONONONO NOT NOW I KNOW I JUST SAID ALL THESE THINGS, BUT I DON'T WANT TO DIE. I AM NOT READY! HELP ME SOMEBODY - - - - I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!! FUCKING HELP ME PLEASEEE!!!" you started to yell very loud, but doesn't matter how loud you yell, your voice slowly fades away, your body turns into dust and your original body is slowly dying.  "I-- I didn't knew i would die like that...b-but why am i dying --- i mean i can't die bc I just got my heart broken--- wait i got hit by a car today. M-maybe i am--- shit i am dying because they haven't checked my organs good enough, i am bleeding from the inside..." you laugh, in the end you can't do anything then just get over the fact that you are dying because what can you do? You are trapped here, there is nobody who can hear you.
A few minutes passed by, or was it minutes? Maybe hours? You looked down to your Hands, your Hands are back and your voice returned the moment you found the reason why you are dying... Maybe you survived this! You are still alive or maybe you are dead? Well you don't know yet. But how much time already passed by since you passed out. And how do you can come back to the real world?!
After thinking for a quite a while you had a plan but if it works is not for sure. I mean you are in a place where you are flying, maybe everything is possible in here.
You concentrated all your inner senses and tried to get to your brains information channels. And Bingo it worked!!! You made your way to your brain and the next second you arrived your brain you wake up in the real world. You instantly sit up but right after you sat up you laid back down.
"You are wake!!! Doctor she is awake!" This voice, it was familiar for you. The Doctor rushes over to you and started asking you millions of questions. But you interrupt him "How much times has passed since i collapsed?" the doctor looked at the calendar "4 Months" you couldn't believe your eyes, but as you tried to deny it you could see in the doctors eyes how serious he was. Because of all these questions the doctor asked you, you forgot that there was another person in the room with you. And as you turn to the windows you see THAT person. You see HIM.
But neither of you wanted to talk, at least as long as the doctor is here.

And the moment the doctor left the room both of you speak up "I am sorry" you stare at each other. "[Y/N] before you say something, i wanted to say that I am very happy that you are still alive. The inner bleeding was luckily stopped, listen I--- the day i told you i loved my Girlfriend...ex-girlfriend i mean. I was lying, i mean there was some kind of love but my love to you is much bigger and stronger and i want to be there for you, i want to hold you in my arms. I want to wake up next to you, i want to see you smile, i want to see you cry. I want you to be angry at me when i did something stupid, i want you to be next to me....and i never wanted to hurt you because [Y/N] I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you!!!" Omen goes on his knees next to your bed and taked your Hand ind both of his and starts crying.
"Omen... I love you, too" you smile and slowly more and more tears roll down your face. Omen looks up to you and gets up from his knees. He slowly bends over you and hugs you very carefully. "[Y/N] do you want to be my girlfriend?" he looks you right into your eyes. "Yes I do" you smiled as Omen placed his soft lips on yours.

----------------The End------------------

Tadaaaaa alot of ppl asked me to do an Omen x Reader and here it is, hope you like the end ^^ so school started yesterday i won't post often anymore but i'll work on the coming chapter as soon as i have time again.


Words : 1169w
Published : 27th October 2:00am

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