(2) "I love---" Omen X Reader

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Warnings : none

"Dear [Y/N], i am writing these letters to you because i have the need to tell you everything." you take the next letter "Your words really did hurt me, and i know i am stupid! Yes! I know that, i should have let you apologize but somehow i just wanted to vanish." now it was obvious, these letters are from Omen, he wrote them on the day where you said all these bad things to him. You continued reading his letter, in the first 6 letters he was apologizing for leaving you but he had no other option. But after the last apology letter, he completely changed the topic. "Jesus, [Y/N], you don't know how hard it is for me not to hug you! Fuck! I really need you, i really need you in my life. I fucking hate the fact that you are crushing on Phoenix. Why can't i be the lucky one?! Fuck this. I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, [Y/N], [Y/N], [Y/N], [Y/N] I LOVE YOU!" you slowly put that letter on the table while trying to understand what you just red. He loved you? You asked yourself, you shake your head and trying to get back to reality. "T-There must be a letter about his girlfriend!!" you read through all the letter in hope finding one where Omen writes you, all of that is a joke, but instead of an April fools letter, you found a letter where he writes about his current girlfriend.
"so... Currently i have a Girlfriend, i met her at a Bar we both weren't drinking or dancing and i thought i fell deeply in love with her. And i mean it's not a lie when i say that i love her...but somehow everytime i think about you [Y/N], my heart skips a beat, i am having butterflies in my belly. My mind goes crazy everytime i think about you...but i also love my Girlfriend. I, fuck somebody help me. Ma---"
The last part of the letter was missing, he ripped the last part out. You slowly sat down on the kitchen chair. "He loves me? Or loved me? Or is she still in love with me. I--- it's so complicated!!!!" you look back to the stack of letters, instantly you stand up, grabbing all the letters and throwing them in one corner. You leave your kitchen and throw yourself on your bed.

You finally fell asleep after struggling for 2h. You woke up with an big headache. After you got ready and left your apartment you meet up with Phoenix and Jett and you made your way to work. Jett and Phoenix were holding-hands, laughing and telling you how their date went yesterday. You didn't even tried to listen to them,your thoughts about the letters were distracting you. He love you...you snapped back to reality because Jett and Phoenix were yelling your name and tried to grab you. While you were in your thoughts you didn't realized how jett and Phoenix stopped right before the road but you keeped on walking. And before you could even back up you got hit by a car, hitting cold ground. You hit the ground so hard that the only thing you remembered was how you couldn't feel your body and how Jett's voice slowly faded away.

You wake up 7h after the accident in a hospital, alone, at least you thought. You looked around and found Omen standing silent in a corner looking to the ground, arm folded in front of his chest. "What are you doing here Omen?" he looked up to you, being shocked and happy at the same time "I heard you got hit by a car, and i wanted to check on you---well now i can leave if you don't want me here---" you interrupt him "please stay...we have a lot to talk about" you could feel how nervous Omen got after you said, that you want to talk about it. It's cute, i mean seeing Omen so soft is very rare. "[Y/N]...was is because of my letters that i left for you? You were distracted by my letters weren't you? I--- I am so---", "shut up Omen, don't be sorry, i should be sorry for being an asshole, i shouldn't have said these things in the first place. Omen....your letters, listen, it confuses me alot" Omen's body tenses, he clearly is scared of what comes next "Your Girlfriend, do you love her, or is she just a toy to forget your feelings towards me? Answer my question please....i only want to know this Omen...." his body tenses more, he clenched his Hands into fists and looks back down. He opened his mouth a couple of times but no words escaped his mouth, it was like he lost his ability to speak.  "Omen please..." and finally after 5 minutes he speaks up. "I love---"


Words : 850w
Published 21st October 2020 4:30am

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