(1) "I--" Yoru x Fem!Reader x ?

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Credits : jambbanya on Deviantart
Warnings : small mentioning of assault,

You recently joined Kingdom, and everything is so new. But the only reason why you even found out that Kingdom exists was due to the accident that happened a few months ago. You remember it like it just happened yesterday. You lived your life like every other human but you knew you were different from the other kids in Kindergarten. Not only them, after you turned sixteen you changed completely, you looked older then your age, people thought you were around twenty. On one hand it was pretty cool for you, to look older then you actually are but on the other hand older Men were trying to flirt with you, or they whistled at you while you passed by them. In your area it was sadly common that drunk Men would attack young girls, doesn't matter the age. And on the day where the accident happened you found out your power.

The day of the accident

You were walking down the street, passing by the weird old Men who were commenting weird things towards you. It made you uncomfortable but you just ignored it. "I'm not goingt to ruin my 18th birthday! Just because some old Men think it's okey to say these things!" you motivated yourself, forming your Hand into a fist and smiling proudly to yourself. You finally arrived at your destination, it being the biggest Mall in town. "Biggest Mall in town and still smaller then our Train station, kinda sad. BUT! [Y/N] THIS WON'T STOP YOU FROM CELEBRATING YOUR BIRTHDAY" "--alone" you say the last part out loud while letting out an annoyed breath. Since you were the hot and weird Girl in town, you never had friends. All the popular Girls and Boys bullied you, at least behind your back.
Shaking your head you tried to get rid of all the bad thoughts, i mean it's your birthday you should celebrate it...And your parents even gave you $15 so you can buy something... "Well the day can't get worse!" you smile brightly and as you enter the Mall your face expression changed instantly. The Mall was being destroyed from the inside, a group of people in Masks were placing bombs. People were panicking, running into shops to save themselves, it confused you why nobody tried to run through the main doors and as you looked down to the doors you heard a weird beeping sound and  a few wires in which you caught yourself. "Shit!" you yell out as the beeping stops and underneath you a bomb goes out, tarring you apart. At least you thought so. As you open your eyes after you closed them, you see a greenish blue shield around you, you look down at your Hands which were also glowing the same color as the shield. "I DID THAT?!" You tried not to get too excited. One of the masked one saw how you made that shield "What is a Kingdom member here?!" he yelled and send half of his team towards you. As you look up you see these masked men running up to you, and you feel the panic rising inside of you. As you were about to runaway an unknown voice yelled "Shut your eyes!!" and you did as it said, without even thinking about it. A weird sound appeared, which you couldn't identify but you were way too scared to open your eyes and then it happened. You felt somebody grabbing you around your waist and saying "I'll handle this." and this brings you to now.

You recently joined Kingdom after this masked people attack. You got used to the new life, you didn't miss your old life and for good reasons. Everyone in Kingdom is nice, yeah Reyna and maybe Viper do be kinda cold towards you but they still accept you more then the people in your village. You spend most of your times with Sage, even though she was way older then you, she and Skye were the only one that could teach me. About Yoru? Well since that incident you haven't spoke to him, because everytime you were even near him you felt a weird feeling in your stomach and your heart started beating faster. Last time you spoke to Yoru he saw how red you turned after he asked you a simple question and he confronted you about which made the situation soooo much worse.
It made you jealous when you saw how Phoenix and Jett spend time with Yoru, because you could never be near him without being weird towards him. Don't get it wrong, you, Phoenix and Jett were good friends and so were you with Killjoy and Raze. But when they're hanging out with Yoru you would never join them.

Saturday morning, you woke up early, Sage promised you, that she will train you today, but when you arrived you realised how motherfucking early it is "5am,i could have slept longer, why [Y/N]" so you decided to wake Phoenix up, you didn't care if he needed the sleep, because last week he scared the shit out of you by jumpscaring you. So you made your way to Phoenix and as you were about to pass by Yoru's door he opened the door, and you instantly looked over to him. He was standing there only in his Pijama pants, scratching the back of his head and yawning. Your face instantly turned red and he looked at you disinterested "Good morning, shrimp" he looked down at you, but your only answer to that was a nod and you ran away towards Phoenix's door. Bursting inside you not only wake up Phoenix you also scare him so that he throws his pillow at you. "ARE YOU CRAZY [Y/N]?! YOU SCARED THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF ME?!" You close the door behind you, leaning against it and slowly sliding down till you sit on the ground. "Help me Phoenix i can't take it anymore!!" you looked towards him, your face still red and your hands shaking. He sits up, now looking worried "What happened?!" he stood up, sitting right in front of you. "I--"


Words : 1036w

EEEEEY NEW CHAPTER :3 HOPE YOU LIKE THIS STORY FOR ALL YORU SIMPS! As you see this will be a character x reader x character! Don't worry this story will be very interesting and i won't spoiler you who the other character is!!! :D

17th September, 2021 7:41pm

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