(4:End) "U-uhm i love---" Phoenix x Reader

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Warnings : Very sad T^T

"What?---" you stared at Jett wo is hella mad, but why? What have you done to make her mad? "Oh don't give me that innocent look, you are a lier, you are a bad friend--- wait noooo, you're not a bad friend you are the worses friend i ever had! You're role-playing everything, nothing is real, you are just a big lier who is trying to steal Phoenix from me!!! You knew that i have a crush on him, and now you dare to spend time with him, laughing and trying to make him fall in love with you!" Jett was yelling at you, tears rolling down her face, her Hands formed fists and her expression was a mix of sadness, anger and coldness. Jett was never that mad before, she's been always the funny and happy girl. But now she's not the Jett you knew. But the main problem right now is that she is insulting you in something that isn't even the truth. "Listen Jett--- you've got it all wrong" you laughed a little bit "Phoenix and I were talking about you--- about how perfect you are. I am your wingman remember, i am trying to help you confess to Phoenix. I would never even think about stealing Phoenix, he is my best friend." you smiled, your heart broke into million pieces, but this is the truth, Phoenix and you could never be together, because, well he loves Jett, Jett loves him, it was never your destiny to be together with him. It was always Jett's destiny. Sometimes you wished you were her, but you are you and not Jett. Jett's anger, sadness and coldness slowly faded away but her tears got more. "Jett?---" she pulled you into a hug and bursts out in tears " [Y/N] I AM SO SORRY! I WAS SO MEAN, I DIDN'T MEANT THAT I WAS JUST MAD AND SAID ALL THOSE BAD THINGS TO YOU I---" you hugged her back and comforted her, you could smell the alcohol from her, she is definitely drunk.

You struggled with putting Jett to bed, because she was apologizing and crying all the time, but finally after 45 minutes of crying into your shoulder she fell asleep. You somehow carried her to her bed and cover her with the blanket. You closed the door behind you and as you closed it your back bumped into somebody's chest. "You know that she was drunk and didn't really meant all these things" you turn around and look up to Omen "And what in the fucking world makes you think that? Maybe she means it? You know alcohol makes people be real for once.--- Listen Omen, you don't know anything about this whole situation, you don't even feel anything! You are just a shadow. Just a soulless creature, an experiment." as you finish your sentence you realize what you just said "Wait---Omen i didn't meant these things---I" but before you could even start to apologize, Omen stops me "You could've just said that you don't want me to help you.", "Omen, I---", "Yeah now i see it, you could've just told me that you hate me, but thank you at least now i know who i am" he finished his sentence and vanished. You slowly drop to the ground, tears running down your face, still not realizing how you let all of your anger out on the person that helped and supported you the whole time.

You definitely cried yourself to sleep because you wake up the next morning still on the ground where you broke down yesterday, but instead of Omen, you see a worried jett in front of you. For a second you hoped you dreamed that but obviously it wasn't a dream. "J--Jett where is omen?!" you quickly got up and left your hotel room, running to Omens room and banging against the door, Sova opened the door. "Sova...where is Omen"  but neither Sova, neither the others could answer your question.

Two days passed by and still no Omen. You are worried sick, you haven't really slept these two days. "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, why am I like that. Why! HAHAHA I AM A MONSTER" you started to laugh all your pain out, you also punched the wall a few times before running out of the hotel. It was raining very hard but you didn't care about the rain. Your tears mixed with the rain. You haven't noticed how Phoenix followed you but you finally arrived at a bridge and leaned against the fence. You started to yell all the pain out you had, you cursed, you yelled out how much you hated yourself and that you need omen back, you really need him back. You felt two strong arms around you, hugging you thight, but you cried more as you realized that it was Phoenix and not Omen. "[Y/N] everything will be okey, cry everything out" he said while being as heart broken as you are. Today is the last day of your vocation, tomorrow you'll be already on your flight back home. Phoenix and Jett finally confessed to each other and are now a couple.

Phoenix didn't let go of the hug, and as you two where standing there in the rain, hugging each other, you started to think, think about him, Omen. You didn't realized how important he is for you, he was like a best friend.... No, no, no not only a best friend.
You look up to Phoenix "I need to tell you something Phoenix...", "What is it [Y/N]?" you let out a heavy breath "Remember the day you wanted to be my Wingman? The Person i loved at that time....was----was you---" you instantly looked away, being very embarrassed but Phoenix wasn't really surprised "Well i knew that", "You KNEW?!" you looked back up and he smiled "[Y/N], yes i realized it but you just said, at that time you were in love with me. But what about know? I know that i am not your crush anymore" he smiled at you, you blushed instantly, your whole face is covered in red "U-uhm i love---"

----------------The End------------------

Don't get a heart attack guys, this is just the End of the "Phoenix x Reader" story :3 This cut will continue on my upcoming " (x) x Reader" :3 hope you liked the one with Phoenix!
See y'all in the next chapter ^^
words : 1020w

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