(4) "...I'm-" Yoru x Fem!Reader x Phoenix

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Credits to the picture: @CcescaM on Twitter

Warnings : None

"If a sentence starts with 'We need to talk' it won't end good....but tell me what is up?" you take a deep breath. "It's about Phoenix..." Jett just looked at you slowly realizing what you could say. "Don't tell me you are in--" you cut Jett out before she could continue her sentence. "No!No! I am not in love with Phoenix! Don't get me wrong he is a wonderful guy! But he is only a good friend of mine...and that's why i am actually here, i am worried for him, he was weird today! He was not like usually! And i know you and him are like besties! Could you maybe ask him for me what is up?" Jett wasn't happy about all of it, she knew that Phoenix had feelings for you, but you couldn't give him what he could give you. "Okey, i ask him. But promise me you at least friendzone him. It would be easier for both of you..." and with that your and Jett's conversation ends and so that the day.


a few days passed and Jett still haven't talked to Phoenix. But both Phoenix and Yoru were kind of weird. You haven't paid attention to the fact that Yoru started talking to you since the last few weeks. But the weird fact was that as Yoru started to talk to you, Phoenix also did. Something was wrong about this but you didn't know what. "[Y/N] are you okey? You've been staring at your cereal for a good 10 minutes?" as you look up you see a worried Brimstone. You give him a quick smile "I'm fine, don't worry, just-- alittle bit tired" Brimstone gave you a headpat and smiled "Get some rest after Breakfast! Have you already heard, Yoru und Phoenix planned something and they want everyone to come to the garden after lunch!" you looked surprised at him, nobody told you that, but maybe it's because you ignored Phoenix and Yoru this whole week. What could they have planned?

You took a power nap after breakfast, as Brimstone told you to do. But instead of napping for an hour, you slept till Lunch and as your eyes open you see Viper looking down at you. "It's lunch time." She left the room immediately after saying that, not even thinking about waiting for you. You knew she wasn't really fascinated by the fact of having to wake you up. Viper wasn't that type a person, Brimstone maybe made her wake you up. But that's not important right now, you grabbed some fresh pair of clothing, brushed your hair as fast as you could and made your way towards the dinning room. As you open the door the Song "Happy - by Pharrell Williams" played on your music box, that killjoy build. The oldest were all sitting on the large table, the younger People sat on their table. The atmosphere was wonderful, you made your way to the food and put as much food on your plate as you could. That power nap made you soooo hungry. You walked to your table where all the other young agent's were and you sat down next to Raze. "Common tell us what you two planned!" Raze asked, she was so excited that she couldn't wait anymore "You need to wait till after lunch! We promise it will be worth it!" Phoenix smiled, making eye contact with you instead of Raze. What could that mean? Is he mad that you ignored him for so long? Maybe they were planning something without you! You turned your attention towards your food, so that you don't have to look at Phoenix anymore. "Maybe they have build some cool technology! Is it a Zeit bomb?" Killjoy joined the conversation. "What does Zeit even mean?" Jett asked curiously. "Oh! Sorry! I forgot that you don't speak German! Zeit is Time in German!" Killjoy laughed, it was already scary enough that she said bomb, but knowing that she said time in front if it, does not make it any better. "Killjoy! How do you say 'I am sorry for oversleeping' in german?" you asked her. "Oh there are many ways of saying that! But the most common, what german students usually say is 'Tut mir leid, ich hab verschlafen!'" as Killjoy said that without even stuttering, obviously i mean it's her native language, everyone on your table applauded her and after that almost everyone tried to repeat what killjoy just said. You almost forgot how beautiful Lunch can be with all of them! Even the older Agents looked over to you and laughed with all of you! Even Viper...VIPER. The one Person that usually hates fun and all that around, but even she has a beautiful and soft side that you can experience from time to time.
Lunch continued with alot of talking, laughing and even singing to Brimstones playlist. You never knew Brimstone listened to Taylor Swift, but i guess he has to Shake It Off sometimes...Hehehe.
After Lunch Phoenix and Yoru finally revealed what they have planned!
"So Yoru and I planned that we all need vocation, and we booked a House at the Beach in Turkey!" Jett instantly jumped up from her chair and yelled as loud as she can "VOCATION BITCHES!" you couldn't hold a chuckle back, you looked over to the oldest and you see them all relaxing a little bit. They definitely like the idea of vocation, all of them need that vocation. "Tomorrow evening is our flight, tomorrow 9pm on the landing station here in our base." Yoru ended his sentence and sat down back at the table, finishing his food. You looked at him, it's Yoru, he would never be happy about anything only if when he won something. "[Y/N] Volleyball match when we are at the Beach?!" Jett put her Arm around you and smiled. "But don't cry when I beat you!" you grin and she just laughed "In your Dreams!" Everyone started to put away their dishes, as everyone left, only Phoenix and you were there. "Phoenix i wanted to tell you something...I'm-"


words: 1031

Hehehehehe a Story update :D Are we coming to and end soon? Who of the boys can win YOUR Heart over? Tell me in the comments if you had to decide between Phoenix and Yoru, who is your Men?

3rd December 2021 12:13pm

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