03 | Bro Code | Angel's POV

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I exit the bathroom to be met by a grumpy looking man glaring at me. His silver hair is styled on the side. He's dressed in a navy shirt and dark grey pants.

"Good morning!" I greet shyly, covering my junk.

"Good morning," he grumbles. "And you must be?"

"Angel." I hesitantly offer my hand for a shake, still shielding my jewels with my left one.

He looks down at my hand with a displeased look on his face but shakes it anyway.

"Filip Pavlov," he introduces himself.

"Drago's father?"

"No, grandfather." He smiles at me, the tension in his features fading away.

I feel exposed in front of this man. Maybe it has something to do with me being totally butt naked, or his eyes scanning me up and down as if he's assessing a threat.

"My grandson told me you got rather drunk last night."

"I didn't drink all that much." I laugh nervously.

"Really?" He raises his eyebrow with a smug look on his face. "And how long have you been fucking my grandson?"

I open my mouth in shock. How do I respond to that? Is Drago out? He isn't at school but maybe his family knows? Wait! I'm pretty certain I was his first guy. How would they know if he isn't even sure himself?

"Fucking? Him?" I try to laugh it off. "Nah! We were just double teaming!" I spit out the first thing that came to my mind. I highly hope he doesn't kill me later for this! "You know, the Devil's threesome."

What follows is a very awkward, annoyingly uncomfortable silence that lasts enough for me to wish the floor would open and swallow me whole. Maybe I would fall right on top of that beige sofa in the gigantic living room downstairs, if that were to happen. Away from Mr. Pavlov and his scrutinising gaze.

"And those love bites I presume are the girl's doing?" Drago's grandfather points to my neck.

I sheepishly move my hands up to my neck to cover the telltale signs of our night together. Then I realise that leaves my private parts at full display and cup them with my right hand. I never wished more to be invisible than right here, right now, in Drago's claustrophobic hallway.

"Y-yes." I make an attempt to smile innocently but I have the feeling my face looks more like a distorted Picasso painting.

Angel, pull yourself together! If I mess this up, I highly doubt I'll get a second date. In fact, Drago's parents might ship him off to a totally different country and I might never see him again.

"You keep the bro code?" Mr. Pavlov asks.

It looks like he believes my half-assed lie. Or does he?

"Pfft, sure!" I turn my head towards Drago's bedroom, hoping he heard us and will come save me from this cringeworthy conversation any minute now.

Drago, please, save me!

No such luck.

"And who was the lucky girl?"

Bloody Hell! I was hoping he wouldn't ask!

"Uhm, you know Olga?" The name of the school's slut rolls out of my tongue before I can stop myself. Guilt sweeps through me in massive waves but what's done is done. Besides, I've heard a rumour going on that Drago had something with her so she isn't such an extraordinary choice. I could've done much worse.

I feel like my nose grew up all the way to Mr. Pavlov's neatly trimmed beard. I'm totally losing my sanity here!

"Oh, I do know her!"

Sincerely, Angel [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now