24 | Crossing the Line | Teo's POV

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I gawk at Drago's naked butt as he bends over to soap his thighs. Those plump juicy globes of sheer muscle! Yes, I'm drooling.

I don't think. I discard my clothes as fast as possible, pausing only when I reach for my briefs. Should I take them off? Wouldn't it be too forward? What if I scare him?

Drago bends even further to wash his calves and that's when I say the heck of it and tap on the glass.

He jumps up as if I'm some kind of serial killer but it's too late to back down now.

"What the fudge?"

The sliding door opens and I'm met with a pair of fiery chestnut brown eyes.

I overdid it, didn't I? That was too pushy.

"What do you want?" He growls at me, his hand raised in the air, prepared to strike.

Chill, Teodor! You can do it! Smile... lean on the tiles... "May I join in?" Great! Voice is steady and cheerful. No stuttering at all.

His hand drops to his side. He looks confused, unsure.

I try really hard to keep my eyes up and away from his crotch, smiling sweetly at the same time. It doesn't work.

And he sure is beautiful down there. Not outrageously big but not on the small side either. Just the right size to fit in my mouth.

"I don't think..." He starts to say something but I don't hear the rest. I'm down on my knees before I even realise what I'm doing.


"N-no... Stop!" Drago pushes me away.

It's easy for him to stay 'stop' when he came already. In my mouth.

"Angel..." Here he goes again. He didn't stop moaning his name even though I was the one servicing him.

Why can't it be me?

"I... We shouldn't."

"And what am I supposed to do with that?" I grind painfully on his thigh. And he lets me hump him. Like a dog in heat. Holding my waist as I'm doing so, with his beautiful face gazing at the ceiling.

But this is all that I'll ever get from him. My seduction skills weren't good enough.

I'm not good enough.


We lie on my bed, each on his side, not daring to even glance at the other.


After I came, he washed off and left the bathroom as fast as the wind. Leaving me alone, ashamed and lonely.

Why did I do that?

"Why did you do that?" Drago breaks the silence. "You know I'm with Angel."

"Yeah, I know."

There's a spot on my ceiling that if I stare at long enough it starts resembling a flower. Or a really weird cloud.

"Is he... better?" I ask.

"I love him." Ouch.

"At giving head I mean."

He chuckles. "N-no... actually... You have some wicked technique."

"Thanks." I dare glance his way. And... He's looking back! Right at me! Smiling! "I thought it would be awkward." It still is. "I've liked you for a long time now." I move my eyes back to the ceiling so I don't get lost in his. He just looks so damn beautiful when he smiles! "But you have a boyfriend so... I should have respected that."

He doesn't say anything.

I look at him again, even going as far as to turn on my side so I can gaze at those beautiful eyes of his.

"At least now you know I'm available if you ever do break up." I try to pass it as a joke. I even smile for good measure. But it feels forced, unnatural. My lips strain with the effort. My eyes threaten to burst into tears any second now but I better not let him see this side of me. "Good night!" I say before turning my back to him. Putting on a happy mask is too painful right now.

"Night," he answers.

Maybe I shouldn't have pushed my luck. Maybe we aren't meant to be. He has Angel. Why would he want me? Why would anyone want me?


I'm sorry if this chapter was a little bit depressing.

Please, remember that you're beautiful and unique in your own way and you will meet the right person for you, if you haven't already ;)

Wish you all the love in the world! 


Sincerely, Angel [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now