27 | Gym Class | Drago's POV

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Angel is not at school again. Has he always skipped PE? How come I haven't noticed before?

Miss Ivanova is having us play volleyball today. My team consists of Kasim, Goran, the broody goth chick, the redhead artsy boy and a nerd. Pavel got to steal Teo, plus four of the girls, including his current girlfriend. I hate to admit it, but they're killing us. Even though Kasim and Goran are doing their best to carry the game, the chicks are rather organised in their determination to crush us.

"Hey, gay boy, get your head in the game!" Goran snaps at me.

Ever since I came out, Kasim and Goran have been kinda edgy around me. Their reaction was much better than what I was expecting but still... I think they picked me on their team just because they want to win, and today I'm not my usual competitive self. I keep thinking about Angel, and Teo, and my stupid father... My thoughts are all over the place.

Should I tell Angel about what happened with Teo? We barely started dating. I don't want to rock the boat.

Plus, it was a one-time thing. It won't happen again. No need to bother him.

The ball lands on my skull and I see stars. That's one way to 'get my head in the game'!

Surprisingly, it's not Goran that aimed it in my direction. He's on my team after all.

"Oh, my God! Drago, I'm so sorry!" Marina covers her mouth in shock.

"Is ok," I mutter trying to gain my focus.

"Alejo, switch with Dragomir!" Miss Ivanova shouts.

The nerd groans but drags his feet to the court anyway.

"You ok?" The teacher asks as I make my way towards her.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I grumble in response.

Miss Ivanova is a short woman in her late 20s, with alert brown eyes and shoulder-length black hair. What I love about her is that despite her small size, she's a lethal weapon. The woman has a black belt in Karate and can level any guy to the ground!

"You don't seem fine. Is something bothering you?" Her voice is unexpectedly gentle, almost motherly.

I don't know what to say to that. Do I spill my worries to the gym teacher?

"I'm cool."

"Maybe girl trouble?" She winks conspiratorially at me.

"Uh, kinda," I pause wondering if I should correct her on the 'girl' part or not. "But I'll figure it out." My lips pull in a bitter smile.

"Come on! You can tell me!"

"Nope." I smirk at her.

"I'll write you an A for this semester." She's trying to bribe me now. Or is it a joke?

"I'll get an A anyway."

Miss Ivanova scans through her little notebook and shrugs. "True. But I'm here if you need to talk, ok?" She adds in a more serious tone.

"Ok." I nod and shift my attention to the game. Marina digs, Pavel sends the ball over the net, and it falls right in Alejo's feet. What follows is a string of curses from Goran while Pavel and Marina go for a high five.

A cold hand touches mine and I turn around to be met with Angel's russet brown eyes.

"Hi." He smiles at me and I melt on the spot.

"Hello, there!" I smirk and lean in for a kiss. His kisses in public are always shy and flimsy. Totally different from the way he explores my mouth when we're alone. But I take what I can get.

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