15 | Bros Before Hoes | Drago's POV

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One, two, three, breathe, one, two... I focus on my breathing as I move through the water, almost forgetting to keep my elbows high before I catch... Almost.

I haven't done the 3-5-7 drill in a while. I feel rusty.

Flip, push, twist... It doesn't take long for my body to remember the movements.

I practise my backstroke next. Simply because it's my favourite, enjoying how the warm water engulfs my body.

I faintly hear someone calling my name but I pay it no mind. It's only after I exit the pool that I notice a familiar figure sitting on one of the lounge chairs.

"Father?" I utter, taking my goggles off.

He smiles broadly at me, adjusting the cuffs of his shirt as he gets up to greet me. He almost makes a move to hug me but stops himself midway.

"How are you doing, my boy?"

"Uh, I'm fine," I answer, still stupefied.

"Swimming in the middle of November? Are you trying to catch a cold?" The brightness of his teeth is blinding me. Seven months. I haven't seen him in seven months! He didn't come home even for my birthday, sending me some stupid sport watch instead.

"What are you doing here?" I ask reaching for my bathrobe.

"Came to visit my favourite child, of course!" He casually puts his hands in his pockets.

"I'm your only child." I look in his chestnut brown eyes, trying to spot any kind of emotion other than the fake politeness that is seeping out of him right now.

Nothing. Didn't he miss me at least a little bit?

I'm almost tempted to ask. But I don't. If he cared about me, he would've stayed here with me. Not checking out the club scene all over Europe.

"How was Paris?" I mention his last known location.

"It was rather... interesting." His eyes trail away into the distance as if remembering something entertaining. More important than his own son for sure.

I have no idea how to talk with him. What do you say to a parent you haven't seen in months?

"Well, it's good to have you back. How long are you staying?"

"I don't know... Maybe till Christmas?"

A whole month? That's so unlike him! Did he run out of clubs to visit? Did he had enough of his favourite nightlife? Impossible!

He regards me with a glassy look, gazing straight into my eyes, without actually seeing me. I hate it when he looks at me like that! I feel transparent. Nonexistent.

"I better get changed before I really catch a cold." I smile awkwardly at him. There're only so many things you can say to a man you don't know at all.

I pass him on my way to the house, both hoping and afraid he'll ask me something, anything about my personal life.

"How is school?"


I almost breathe in relief when I see my grandma sitting in the living room.

"Hey, look who's back!" I try to sound as cheerful as possible. I learned a long time ago to fake it till I make it.

Natalia almost convinces me to go through with one of those cringeworthy family lunches but I make up an excuse about a prior engagement with my friends and sneak out of that one.

I used to be psyched every time my father came home. Now I only feel exasperated and self-conscious around him. Especially after I became old enough to learn that no, he doesn't have some important business to attend to, he simply likes to party away from his son. Running from his responsibilities like the plague.

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