05 | Mondays | Angel's POV

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My first alarm rings at 6:10 but I sleep through 'Gives You Hell' and settle further into my pillow. Pfft, Mondays! It's only when Head Automatica starts to play do I finally make a move to rise.

You scream louder than fiction
And you get down on your knees

I love this song!

I kick the covers and slip down my bed, making sure to stretch my back as I do so.

I don't turn off the alarm until the song is at least half-way through.

I move sleepily towards the bathroom, taking my sweet time. I'm the only one in the house awake at this ungodly hour. My aunt doesn't start work until 10:00 and Svetla, my sister, sleeps at least till noon. She works as a bartender at one of the clubs downtown.

I take a leak, wash my hands and face, the cool water succeeding in waking me up. My hair is a knotted mess of black curls.

I sigh and head to Svetla's room. I need clothes after all.

I slowly open the door to her room but it squeaks anyway. I'm surprised to see Emil lifting his head in the direction of the sound. He doesn't usually stay on Mondays.

"Good morning," I whisper walking towards the wardrobe. Thankfully, this one doesn't creak.

"What time is it?" I hear Emil's husky voice behind my back.

"Around 6:30," I answer as I pick a fresh pair of underwear and my outfit for the day. They force us to wear those stupid white shirts to school, along with a green V-neck sweater. At least I can pick my jeans. I get the black ones, ripped at the knees and upper thighs. It is cold but I plan to wear them with green leggings underneath. School rules do not state how many rips jeans are allowed to have. Yet.

"You need to put some muscle on that skinny frame of yours," Emil says.


"Yeah, you're just flesh and bones."

I close the wardrobe and turn around. He's as handsome as ever.

"You aren't that fit yourself." I smirk at him.

He entangles his legs from under my sister and stands up.

"Really?" He flexes his arms while I try hard not to drool at the sight of his naked body. He does have briefs on. I should be thankful for that. Or should I? His chest hair, his taut muscles... Everything screams 'Take me now!'.

"Show off!" I mange to utter when I gather my senses.

"Maybe you could come to the gym with me sometime. I'll show ya a thing or two." He winks at me.

"Maybe..." I lick my lips.

He's showing me enough already, if you ask me, but I wouldn't mind seeing more. My gaze lowers to his navy blue briefs... I know he's taunting me on purpose! And I can't help but fall for it. He's such a tease!

Emil takes a step towards me and I fight the urge to fling myself into his arms. Bloody teenage hormones!

He traces a finger over my bare chest, smiling down at me.

"I'll be late for school!" I squeak before bolting for the door.

It's only when I'm not-so-safely secured in my room/living room that I pause to take a breath.

What WAS that? What the bloody Hell WAS that? He has never done this before! Sure, he was teasing me, but never like THAT!

I take deep breaths, clenching my hand in a fist and propping it over my heart. I'm afraid it's going to burst if I don't keep it steady.

Sincerely, Angel [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now