48 | Boyfriend Material | Angel's POV

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I sit and lazily chew on a bite of store-bought lasagne as Zora fires questions at my boyfriend one after another. I so wouldn't want to be him right now!

"Uhm, yes, we're in the same class," Drago answers with a charming smile and I swoon. Could he be any hotter? "So I've known him for..." He turns to me for help, his deep brown eyes filled with confusion. How cute!

"Since 9th grade," I supply with a faint smile.

"Yeah, that's... three years?"

"More or less," I mutter before taking another bite of lasagne.

"But we've only started dating like... two weeks ago." He turns back to my aunt.

"You've been dating this boy for two weeks and you didn't tell me?" Auntie gasps.

"I wasn't sure if it was serious yet."

And now Drago gasps. Which only makes me snicker under my nose. Drama queens! The two of them will get along just fine.

After dinner we sit in front of the TV with tall glasses, filled to the brim with some mandarin cream my aunt made for dessert. We watch as people of all ages embarrass themselves on national TV, trying to sing but ending up sounding more like drunk seagulls instead. I mean, I can sing better than that and I'm not in a hurry to start a singing career! The only good thing about this show is some Metal guy with a really sweet and gentle voice that performs 'Hollow' by Pantera. It fixes my eardrums for about five minutes before the next 'singer' starts.

It's kinda weird having the space my sister usually sits at occupied by my boyfriend. It's almost as if he's replacing her. Which is not true at all. We won't stop keeping in touch simply because she has her own apartment now.

"Oh! Your sister stopped by while you were sleeping!" Drago anything but slaps his forehead. "I was going to tell you but... I forgot," he says with a shrug.

"Did she say anything?" I ask, bringing a spoon of cream to my mouth.

"No... Evelina was with her," he adds more as an afterthought.

"Cool," I mumble, not bothering to keep the conversation going. As boring as I find this show, my aunt likes it so we better not make too much noise.

Right now is singing some girl that obviously doesn't speak English but picked 'Without You' by Mariah Carey for her performance. Her accent is so bad I can't even tell the words apart.

"Are you staying over?" I ask Drago when this torture is finally over.

"I could... if you want to," he whispers in my ear.

"Oh, I definitely want to," I whisper back. "Auntie, can Drago stay over?" I turn to my aunt, not actually expecting her to say "No". But she does. "You have school tomorrow," is her excuse.

"You never stopped Svetla's boyfriends from sleeping over!" I glare at her over my boyfriend's shoulder.

"Your sister is a grown-up. You're still a kid."

I huff at her double standards, wisely deciding against informing her that her precious nephew is no longer a virgin. I wouldn't want to give her a heart attack.

"What exactly do you think we're doing when I stay over at his place?" I say against my better judgement.

She gawks at me, her jaw dropping to the floor. "But you're just 17!"

"How old were you when you lost your virginity?" I ask.

"18," she mumbles so low I can barely hear her. "But this doesn't change anything," she adds louder. "Your boyfriend will sleep at his own house tonight! No offence, Dragomir, I think you're a really sweet boy but I can't have you staying over on a school night. In fact, you're forbidden to stay at his house during the weekdays!" She looks pointedly at me. "What do you think? That your teacher didn't call me you've been skipping her classes?"

"Which teacher?" I ask already planning something that includes rotten eggs and someone's car, whose car depending on her answer.

"Mrs. Roux." Damn it! She doesn't have a car. Maybe glue her desk?

I don't even think about defending my actions. Somehow I have the feeling 'I needed more sexy time with my boyfriend' wouldn't work in my favour and I was never particularly good at lying. So I keep my mouth shut. I have to literally bite my tongue as to not say something I'll regret later on.

My poor boyfriend looks really uncomfortable, seated between the two of us while this conversation is going on. He slowly tugs at the collar of his shirt, unfastening the top button.

I groan and snuggle on his shoulder, directing my attention to the TV.

"Won't you say anything?" My aunt asks.

"Nope, you caught me."

What follows is a five minute lecture on responsibilities and how important school is for my future, perfectly timed with commercial break. Do I really need to listen to the same bloody speech every time I mess up?

And to top it all off, after the show is over she decides it would be a great idea to inform us about venereal diseases. She even pulls out some kind of brochure on the subject out of thin air, with pictures and everything. Rather disgusting pictures, I might add.

"I need the toilet," Drago utters with a hand on his mouth.

I point him to where it is and he literally sprints there.

"Zora..." I grit my teeth. "Is this really necessary?"

"If you're old enough to have sex, you should know the consequences," she says without remorse.

"You're cruel."

"I'm your aunt. I don't have any condoms handy. Otherwise I would have showed you how to put one on."

"Please, don't!" I groan. "I already know how to use one. We've been safe! Plus, Drago would never cheat on me."

"I'm not saying that he will. All I'm saying is it's better to be safe than sorry."

I sigh, feeling exhausted from all this nagging. Can't I have a peaceful night in my own home? "Ok! Just tone it down with the nauseating diseases, please! You're going to break my boyfriend at this rate!"

She folds the bloody brochure and hands it to me with that judgemental look she only has when I break her favourite vase, fail an important test and get caught drinking, all in the same day. I take it from her, mirroring the exact same glare. Who does she think she'll scare like this?

Drago returns, pale as a sheet, but he somehow musters a smile anyway. "I'm sorry, Ms... uh... Zora. But I have to go. I guess we'll continue your interesting informational disquisition another time." Another smile, this time more genuine than the first.

"See? You broke him!" I give my aunt a dirty look.

She laughs. Drago chuckles as well but I'm still annoyed I won't get to snuggle with my gorgeous boyfriend tonight.

"Do not worry, boy! I think I scared you enough for one day." Zora winks at him.

She walks him to the door, me trailing behind.

"Feel free to come see us any time," she says. "And no skipping classes!"

"Yes, aunt Zora," he responds. I don't know if he realises he just called her 'aunt' but I notice. And I grin like a fool, kissing his cheek before he's out of my reach.

"Bye, babe!" I admire his broad shoulders as he awkwardly waves at me, saying a "Bye" back, and disappears into the night.

He is my guy. We belong together.


Sincerely, Angel [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now