43 | Strangers | Angel's POV

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All evening I've been communicating only with the handsome blond waiter that made sure to keep my hands full with creamy crab cakes. I'm not complaining. He's rather charming.

I follow Drago with my eyes as his grandad drags him from one group of middle-aged men to another. Sometimes he sends a wink and a smile in my direction which I return with a smile of my own.

The nervous meltdown I felt prior to coming here is now replaced with sheer boredom.

I see Olga, dressed in a one sleeved mini dress, half of it velvety black while the other is sparkling golden. I almost didn't recognise her all elegant and classy looking, with her hair pulled in a fashionably messy bun. She's leaning on some man that appears to be her father and I'm bored and tipsy enough to greet her.

"Hello, Olga!" The stammer is gone, the nerves are gone. Should I thank the alcohol for that? Either way I'm happy that for the first time tonight I can make a conversation without stumbling over my words.

I even smile at her, which is so unlike me. Who would've thought I could be friendly?

"Angel? It's nice to meet you!" She seems rather surprised to see me here but covers it up quickly with a bittersweet smile. "Dad, this is a... friend from school! Angel, my father - Maxim Zima."

"Aren't you a pretty one!" Mr. Zima shows his pearly white teeth as he shakes my hand. It's hard to miss the golden front tooth. It almost distracts me from the way he shamelessly caresses the back of my hand with his thumb.

Maybe greeting Olga wasn't such a great idea. I should hightail out of here before this guy invites me in his bed.

He finally lets go of my hand and licks his lips as if I'm some delicious treat he didn't expect getting. Not for your mouth, mister!

"Right. Well, it was nice meeting you but I should get going." I hurry as far away from the creepy man as possible.

And I end up at the kid party, where most of the children are sleeping soundly already, comfortably strewn all over the only sofa in the room.

I lean my back on the wall decorated with shiny silver stars and sigh in relief, closing my eyes as I do so.

Never again! If Drago invites me to one more of those things I'll politely but firmly decline. No more boring rich-ass parties with creepy pervy men!

"That the first time... I see someone sleeping with their back to the wall." I hear a familiar male voice.

I open my eyes to be met with Pavel's jade green gems.

He's rather intoxicated, swaying groggily on his feet with a drink in hand. He steadies himself on the wall next to me, leaning ever so lightly towards my ear. "Having fun tonight?"

"Not particularly." I turn my head to face him.

"Those could be... rather b-boring if you sober," he slurs, raising his champagne glass in salute. His smile is suggestive, almost provocative, as he puts the glass to his lips.

"Could you tell Drago that I had to leave?" Somehow I don't feel safe here. Even Pavel looks like some sinister porn character right now. If this is what alcohol does to people, I better not have any. Ever again! Or be anywhere in the vicinity of drunk people.

"S-sure," Pavel garbles but I'm already on my way to the exit.

I text Drago that I left, not trusting Pavel to do my bidding, and stride along the dark lonely streets. I fear every bush and alley that I pass might be hiding a criminal. But thankfully, they don't, and I get home safe and sound. Even though by the time I'm inside the house, I feel like my heart is going to burst. I swear, I felt eyes following me!

Sincerely, Angel [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now