21 | Vanilla Muffins | Drago's POV

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I lie on my bed, clutching the phone over my chest. My eyelids feel heavy. My body — weak and unresponsive. I crave warmth that isn't here. The painting on my wall no longer gives me solace. The turquoise blue sea portrayed on it appears cold and lonely.

Usually when I feel sad or detached, I fix it by swimming. Or reading a good romance novel. Right now I'm not in a mood to do even that.

Where is Teo? He was supposed to be here already.

As if reading my thoughts, my door flies open and Teo storms in with a concerned expression on his child-like face.

"Drago!" He rushes over me and engulfs me in a tight hug. "What happened, man?"

I let the phone go and wrap my arms around him, hanging on to his back for dear life.

"I..." I try to say something but choke on air.

"It's ok, man. Everything will be ok!" He strokes the back of my head with his fingers and I feel myself relax in his arms, letting the warmth of his body transfer to my cold lonesome heart. At this moment, right now, he completes me.

I breathe in his scent. It's a mix of vanilla and freshly cut grass. I can almost imagine myself sitting on a picnic blanket, the cool shade of a tree, shielding me from the sun... Vanilla muffins scattered on the blanket around me, an iced latte in my hand...

"You smell heavenly," I breathe into his neck. "Did you eat muffins before coming here?"

"N-no..." He chuckles.

"I want muffins. And a latte." I tilt away from our embrace to look him in the eyes. Those chocolate magnetic depths of sunshine. "And chocolate. Lots of chocolate. I want chocolate chip muffins!"

"Ok..." He smiles at me. "I know a drive-thru where they serve good muffins."

"Cool." I smile weakly at him and wiggle away from his strong arms. I miss his warmth as soon as I do it but... Muffins! "Lets go!"

On our way out I see my father, lounging in the living room with his head lying on the backrest, eyes closed. I'm not in a mood for him. But I still make sure to bang the door as loud as possible when we leave. How dare he rest? For the past four years he's been playing family with some woman I've met a total of three times, one of which was on their wedding day, and a child I've never seen. While I sit in this house alone! How dare he ignore me like this?


"You came with your dad's car?" I pause in front of the platinum sports car, parked on our lawn.

"It sounded urgent." Teo shrugs as he gets inside. "Come on! Jump in!" He gestures with his head through the open window and I don't need to be told twice.

"Man, this car is awesome!" I run my hand over the black leather dashboard. The seat is comfy and welcoming, panelled with platinum silver leather. "I love your dad!"

"Hey, I will be the one driving you in it! Love me!" He jokes.

"Love you, too." I kiss his cheek, freaking out a little from my actions but I'll blame it on the euphoria from being inside such a piece of modern art.

Teo peers shyly at me, a faint blush tainting his cheeks.

"S-sorry, man. I just..." I flail my hands around as if it's the car's fault.

"I never told you I'm bi, did I?"

"Wha...?" My mouth freezes open.

"I probably had to tell you when you came out to me but..." Teo turns his body towards me. "I don't know... I was still processing what you and Angel have."

"Oh. Wow!"


Teo is bisexual? For real? That's way too much new information for one day! But as I think about it, I've never seen him date anyone so why did I presume that he was straight? Because it's the mainstream sexual orientation? Yeah, probably that's why.

Am I not supposed to have a gaydar or something?

Mine must be broken.

"And what is your type?"

"You mean in guys?" He smiles dreamily at me.


"Easy-going, smart, caring... fit body, sexy abs..." Teo licks his lips. "Soft black hair..." He almost reaches to pet my hair but thinks better of it and retreats his hand on his lap. I notice though. The way he looks at me... I have the feeling I'm the one he's describing. I feel his chestnut brown eyes pull on me. They're lighter than Angel's, somehow brighter, full of hope and longing.

I gulp.

"Uhm, how about those muffins?" I lift my lips in an awkward smile.

"Yeah, right." Teo tears his eyes away from me and starts the car.


"So what happened?" He asks, his eyes on the road.

"Well..." I relax fully on the leather seat, dividing my attention between the cars ahead of us and my friend. "I have a little brother."

"Isn't that good news?" Teo furrows his brows in confusion.

"Ideally, it would be." I let out a bitter laugh. "If they told me a little bit sooner."

"I don't understand." He looks at me as we stop on a red light.

"He's four," I breathe out.


"I have a 4-year-old brother and I didn't even know he existed until today!" I raise my hands in the air.


"And I don't even know his name!" I start laughing like a lunatic. "Knowing my father, it might take another four years before I learn that!"

"Man, and I thought my parents were bad!"

A nervous driver beeps his horn behind us and Teo drives off, not without a few curses. "It hasn't been green even for a second, you fucking morron!"

"You curse like he can hear you." I laugh.

"You're right. No point getting pissed over it. So... what do you plan to do now?"

"I don't know... I guess I will have to speak with my father eventually. If anything just to learn my brother's name. Maybe beg him to let me meet him." I snigger, feeling the hurt and disappointment nest in my chest. "I mean... Ok, so I was planning to tell them today, right?" I start from the very beginning. "Only Filip already knew. Because a certain someone can't keep his mouth shut for even a day!"

By the time we reach the drive-thru, Teo is more or less acquainted with the latest turn of events. He orders our muffins and a latte for me, and pulls up at a parking lot nearby.

"I'll go get you some chocolate," he says as he unbuckles his seatbelt. "Do not think that I forgot about it." He smiles brightly at me before leaving the car.

"Get with hazelnuts!" I shout after him as he closes the car door.

After my 10-minute rant, I feel much better now. Almost happy. Who cares that my family is shit? I have Angel, I have Teo, I'm still popular at school, and most importantly, I have muffins! I take a bite and hum in contentment.

Life is not so bad.


Thank you for sticking with this story!
Next chapter will be from Teo's POV :)

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