29 | Pizza Time | Angel's POV

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I'm sitting between my boyfriend and Teodor, feeling like the ham in an extremely complex double-layered sandwich. Pavel is lounging right in front of me, with Marina and Olga at both his sides. Goran is next to Olga, and Kasim is positioned on Teo's left. It has been a really long time since I hung out in such a large crowd of people and I'm getting angsty.

There're a few factors causing my heart to thump out of my chest right now.

First, somehow we managed to fit eight people onto a table for six. That means I'm literally rubbing shoulders with the boys on both my sides.

Second, there's a really loud couple arguing behind me. As far as I understand, the man spent all of their money on some expensive car while the woman buys more clothes than she can wear.

Third, this is the very first time I hang out with all of Drago's friends at the same time. With some of them I haven't uttered more than an occasional 'Hello' over the past few years we've been studying together.

And forth, Goran is glaring at me as if he wants to tear my head off and have it for lunch instead of the pizza they serve here.

The waitress rushes our way and hands out our menus. It's rather packed in here. I even spot a few girls from our school on one of the tables.

I scan through my menu, contemplating whether to get Pepperoni or Margherita. That is until my attention is drawn to the sides. Crispy-fried potatoes look temptingly yummy today.

I glance at Pavel, playing tonsil tennis with Marina. What used to turn me on, now makes my stomach churn.

"What are you having?" Teo turns to me with a disgustingly fake smile. I can tell none of them want me here and yet they make an effort for Drago's sake. It's admirable really. But it doesn't make them hate my guts any less.

"Uhm, I don't know if I'll be able to eat a whole pizza." I might've been hungry before we came here but now my stomach is doing backflips. I'm afraid I might throw up no matter what I put in my mouth. "Maybe I'll just get some fries." That's always a safe bet. Unless they're greasy and over-fried. They better not be!

Marina stops smooching her boyfriend's face, enough to go over the menu and discuss with Olga which salad fits the best with their diet.

Oh, what do you know! They have milkshakes!

The strawberry cheesecake also looks delicious but I don't think I'll have enough money for that AND a milkshake. Milkshake it is then.

"So, Angel, which zodiac sign are you?" Olga closes her menu and regards me with a curious look.


"Really? Me too!" Marina squeals. "When is your birthday?"

"Uhm, 4th May?"

"I'm on 17th. Wouldn't it have been great if we were on the same day?"

"Uhm, sure." But we aren't.

"Drago is a Scorpio," Marina keeps talking. "Wait, I have this app where you enter your birth date and it shows your matching score. I'll just edit the birth date on my profile and we'll see how well you match together." She whips out her phone and starts tapping with the joy of a 5-year-old child. "So... I change it to 4th... Do you know your time of birth?"


"Ok, no problem... Oh! Only 62%." Marina pouts. "You're a better match with Teodor. Me too, by the way, but our birthdays are kinda close so it's to be expected..."

I'm kinda grateful when the waitress arrives at our table and asks for our orders. That means Marina will shut her mouth for a minute.

Goran orders a crispy chicken tortilla, Olga and Marina go with Italian salads, while Pavel and Teo pick Prosciutto e Fungi.

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