11 | Temptation | Angel's POV

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It's my fifth period for the day and I'm more or less used to the attention by now. It's draining all of my energy but still bearable. Hopefully, next week they'll have something else to gossip about.

Mrs. Roux is talking about French holidays and traditions. In French, of course, so I don't understand half of it. But I do try. French is such a beautiful language! Too bad it sounds like gibberish to me most of the time.

I glance at Drago who is doodling something in his notebook. A stray lock of ebony black hair is falling across his forehead.

So far he has been respectful of my personal space. Not a single word uttered, not even standing close to me.

He turns my way and I feel myself trapped by his beautiful brown eyes. I look at him looking at me... I should probably pretend that he isn't the object of my attention and turn my gaze to the teacher instead. It would be so easy... And it's so bloody late for that now!

I smile nervously at him, barely holding back from waving like a total idiot.

He smiles back and holds my gaze with his. It's like he's trying to tell me a thousand things with his eyes alone.

And I should definitely look away now! I wouldn't want anyone getting the wrong idea. The gossip girls are sitting all the way in the back but still... it's a valid concern.

The bell rings and I see him walking towards me. Probably just going past me on the way out. And yet, his chestnut brown eyes are aimed directly at me.

"Hey, Angel!" Drago says with so much love and affection that I choke on my spit.

Kasim moves to leave the classroom but stops as he sees Drago talking to me.

"I thought we were going to hang out yesterday," Drago continues, oblivious to his friend standing behind him. "You haven't changed your mind about that, have you? I can still train you if you want." He gives me that sweet smile I can't say 'No' to.

I glance at Kasim, standing silently behind Drago with furrowed brows. "So you aren't some drug dealer," he grumbles. "He was just giving you workout tips."

"Uhm, yeah..." I answer Kasim even though I'm not sure if he even expects me to say anything back.

Drago slightly turns around, widens his eyes when he sees who is standing behind him, but quickly recovers from the shock and turns back to me without missing a beat.

"So... we could meet after school?" Drago asks full of hope.

"Uhm, yeah... Ok." I agree simply because I couldn't think of a valid enough excuse not to fast enough.

"Great! I will love watching emo boy sweat!" Kasim nearly shouts, suspiciously cheerful all of a sudden. He pats Drago on the back and steers him away from me.

What did I just agree to? A training session with Kasim? Hell no! This guy will gut my soul and eat it for dinner!

I try ignoring the sudden ache in my heart and move towards the next class.

It's going to be a long day!


Drago's gym is equipped with two workout benches, one treadmill and an impressive set of dumbbells. I gape at the sight of it. One of the walls is a full on mirror with one of those TVs that display art when you're not watching anything. Right now there's a landscape of some desert. The other two walls alternate between pink beige marble and full length mirrors. A transparent white curtain covers the only window in the room, which so happens to overlook the front lawn of his home. The ceiling is pure white with little star-resembling lights, creating a glamorous dream-like setting. It's something more fitting for a bedroom rather than a gym.

Sincerely, Angel [BxB]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя