04 | Family Ties | Angel's POV

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I soak in the warm water, letting the sweet peachy fragrance transfer me into my happy place. Our bathtub is too small for me to fully stretch my legs but it's enjoyable nonetheless.

I have The All-American Rejects playing faintly from my phone.

I'll keep you my dirty little secret
Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret

I'm so lost in the music I don't notice when the bathroom door flings open and Emil storms in, unzipping his jeans with one hand while the other takes my phone and lifts the toilet lid it was situated on before doing his business. He releases quite a heavy stream, my eyes glued to his huge equipment for a tad bit too long to consider it appropriate.

"Couldn't you wait a bit longer?" I ask annoyed as I try to cover myself. Suddenly my bubbles are simply not enough. I feel way too exposed in front of him. I should be getting used to this by now, considering he's the third guy today that has seen me in my birthday suit.

"Kid, you've been soaking here for hours!" He scans my body unashamed.

I'm about to retort something back when I realise he's right and I turn my head away from him. Hopefully, not blushing like a love-struck schoolgirl.

My sister's boyfriend is handsome. Long ash brown hair, steel blue eyes, fit body, big... something I'm trying not to stare at right now.

"See something you like?" Emil teases me as he zips his jeans up.

"N-no," I lie looking at my bare knees.

He places my phone back on the toilet lid, 'Lover I Don't Have to Love' starting to play.

I picked you out
Of a crowd and talked to you

Emil turns around and starts washing his hands. What's wrong with me? Lately my hormones have been all over the place. And now I'm checking out my sister's boyfriend's butt? Imagining him getting in the bathtub with me... Not that there's any space for even one person.

I let out a sigh and close my eyes when he leaves the bathroom, his manhood imprinted in my memory. Someone really needs to fix that lock! I can't even take a bath in peace! Or without thinking about sexy men. Visions of Emil and Drago run through my mind. Emil is manlier, more mature. With his heavy stubble and bad boy look. And Drago is... Well, Drago. I feel safe when I'm with him. I don't delude myself that we'll suddenly start dating now or something. But maybe... We could get closer? Do I dare hope?


I creep in the kitchen adequately starved for food. Any kind of food. I could eat an elephant raw.

Head Automatica is blasting through my earphones so I need to take my right earpiece off to hear what my aunt is saying.

"...It would be nice to call next time. I was worried."

I forgot to message her I was staying over at Drago's. Well, I was rather preoccupied at the time.

"Ok." I nod at her and attack the omelette set on the table. It's cold but exceptionally delicious, considering it's the first decent meal I've had since yesterday evening.

Aunt Zora is preparing some kind of smoothie. It's one of the green ones so I do not dare ask for some. I've tasted this stuff once and I do not plan to repeat the same mistake again.

"So how was the party?" She asks, sitting at the kitchen table with a smoothie in hand.

"It was fine," I answer after gulping down a bite of cheesy omelette.

"Did you meet anyone new?" Her subtle way to ask if I've made any friends. Even my parents weren't so worried about my social status when they were alive.

"Nah, no one interesting." Technically I'm not lying. Drago isn't anyone new. And I don't want to bring her hopes up. I don't even know what to expect from him at this point. Would he talk to me at school? Would he ignore me and pretend last night didn't happen? He asked for a repeat but I can't expect him to start hanging out with the school outcast. That would be a bit much.

My aunt sighs and takes a sip from her smoothie, scrunching her nose up. How can she even drink this stuff? It tastes like grass. Heck, it probably IS grass!

"We need to fix the lock in the bathroom," I say before taking another bite of my meal. And by 'we' I mean someone that isn't me because I have no idea how to do that. Otherwise I would've done it by now. It's bloody annoying not to be able to take a bath without someone barging in.

"I'll ask Emil to have a look." And my thoughts drift to Emil again. Who is probably in my sister's room right now, getting laid. I don't hear any moans but I guess they're respectful enough to keep it down.

My aunt starts talking about her favourite reality show and who slept with who. I'm not a fan. Those people do nothing but fight. However, I listen to her rambles anyway. My attention is drawn by some bromance that seems to be forming between two of the participants.

Aunt Zora is like my best friend. The closest I have to a friend anyway. Usually she talks about what she watched on TV or any intriguing characters she met at work and I just listen. I'm not much of a talker. But I enjoy listening to her stories.

I finish my omelette and go to my room or more like our living room where I also happen to sleep at. My bed is set in a cosy little corner behind a bookshelf filled with chick-lit novels I never plan to read, the lowest shelf designated for my textbooks. It's better than having to share a room with my sister but still void of privacy during the day. Plus, my clothes are stored in her wardrobe so I get a good view of her naked boyfriend whenever he decides to sleep over.

My bed covers are black with an image of a kitten staring at a red rose. I wanted the skeleton making out with a half-naked chick but this was the compromise we reached with my aunt. She even let me hang a poster of my favourite singer at the wall hidden from view by the hefty bookshelf. The bright blue eyes of Andy Biersack greet me every time I go to sleep.

I sit at the foot of my bed and let the music blasting through my earphones engulf me.

Fresh regrets, vodka sweats
The sun is down and we're bound to get
Exhausted and so far from the shore

I reach for my sketchbook and flip it to an empty page. I attempt and fail to draw Drago's face by memory. I'm not particularly good at drawing faces. It's the thing I need the most practice with. Not even ten minutes pass before I'm annoyed with the result or that I even bothered trying.

I sigh and lie on the bed, eyes closed, clutching my sketchbook to my chest. The original looks so much better! Even if I was the best artist in the world, I wouldn't be able to recreate his beauty. Those plump sensual lips, his deep brown eyes, the slight dimple on his chin, the way he bobs his Adam's apple right before I kiss his neck...

He's perfection.



1. The All-American Rejects - Dirty Little Secret

2. Bright Eyes - Lover I Don't Have to Love

3. Head Automatica - Beating Heart Baby

4. Andy Black - We Don't Have to Dance

Sincerely, Angel [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now