33 | Breakfast | Angel's POV

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WARNING: If you haven't seen Sinister (2012) yet and plan to do so in the near future, now is the time :) Some not-so-major SPOILERS ahead.


"What a drama!" Goran exclaims. "Is this really supposed to be a horror movie? If I wanted to watch people argue I could just go to my parents!"

There're really a few dramatic moments. As Teo said, the movie has only a few jump scares. It's not as scary as I was afraid it would be.

And Drago's body by my side provides me with a false sense of security. Maybe if the creepy monster guy jumps out of the screen and comes to get me, my knight in shining armour will be fast and strong enough to protect his boyfriend.

I snuggle further into the crook of his neck, watching only with one eye as the creepy stuff keeps happening.

"Why does he never bother to switch on the lights?" I mumble more to myself than Drago. "If I had blood-curdling ghost children in my house, this would be the first thing on my mind!"

Drago doesn't respond. He plants a kiss on my forehead and keeps watching as the family finally decides to leave the creepy house.

I'm not much into horror. Honestly, I would rather look at handsome men in tights than faceless monsters.

"Drago?" I slightly lift my head to study his face and he hums, absorbed by the movie. "Lets watch a superhero movie next."

"There's a sequel," Teo informs us.

"Oh, Hell no!" I whine right as Drago hollers a "Hell yes!"

Someone snickers at the back, enjoying my misery. I think that was Pavel.

"Lets watch the sequel and then we'll pick some Avengers stuff," Drago says as he kisses my forehead again.

"Ok..." I agree with a pout.

The first movie wasn't that scary. Maybe the second would be watchable as well?


I wake up with Drago's arms wrapped around me. The last thing I remember was some car chasing an airplane. We did end up watching a superhero movie after all. And surprisingly, I haven't dreamt about creepy ghost hands trying to drag me into the movie screen either.

This is the second time I sleep over at Drago's place, in his arms... And the first time without having sex with him the night prior.

I nuzzle up against him, enjoying the warmth of his body. I feel safe and protected with my blanket of muscle and flawless sun kissed skin. Man, now I sound creepy! I've watched way too much horror last night!

"Boys..." I hear a woman's voice enter the room. "Wake up!" She approaches the lounge chaises and I close my eyes, stupidly thinking that if I appear to be asleep I'll get to snuggle with my boyfriend a bit more.

Teo is the first to get shaken awake, grumbling a soft, "What time is it?" as he opens his eyes.

"8:20," Drago's step-mom answers.

"What?!" Teo jumps awake as my muddled brain tries to remember what we had first period.

Oh, wait! It's Wednesday. We don't have first period. I might as well skip the second one as well, I think as I relax further into Drago's arms.

"Dragomir..." His step-mom says softly as she shakes his shoulder. "Wake up! You'll be late for school."

"Our first period is free," I mutter as I fully open one of my eyes. The other one gets to sleep a bit more.

"Right! It's Wednesday!" Teo exclaims relaxing on the chaise again.

"What's for breakfast?" I hear Pavel yawn.

I give up on sleeping in with a sigh and slowly sit up, rubbing the sleep off my eyes.

"Boys, can I count on you to wake him up?" Drago's step-mom asks.

"Sure," Pavel nods in agreement as he stretches his arms. "I want croissants, and forest fruits, and a cappuccino... As I think about it, I might have a mixed berry smoothie as well. And a tiramisu cake. Or not? I need to watch my figure after all..."

I snicker as Pavel lists what he wants for breakfast without even being asked to do so.

"Are you always this spoiled?" I say.

"And does your hair always look like a raven's nest in the morning?" Pavel replies.

"Boys, do you want anything special for breakfast?" Drago's step-mom turns towards me and Teo.

"I'll have what he's having," I smile sweetly at her. "Only switch the cappuccino with black tea."

"Same," Teo mumbles standing up.

And since it appears like breakfast won't be ready any time soon, I lie back down, making sure to stretch my back as I do so. I rest my head back on Drago's shoulder and close my eyes. "Wake me up when breakfast is ready."


I'm not used to eating all that much at breakfast but as I look at the platter of food in front of me, I feel the need to taste of everything at least once.

The tea is much better than how I make it, the berries melt on my tongue, and the croissants are just divine! The tiramisu cake appears to be store-bought but this doesn't stop me from sampling it as well. I'm in heaven!

"You eat like a starved beast," Drago chuckles next to me.

"It's yummy," I maffle between bites of coffee-flavoured goodness.

We had our breakfast served on the balcony with a splendid view over the swimming pool but I'm too absorbed with the mouth-watering tiramisu cake to notice.

"Guys, I have to go," Teo announces after barely taking a few bites of croissant. It's his loss. "I didn't plan to sleep over so I left my books at home. And should I remind you that we have Chemistry third period?"

"Damn!" I exclaim, my mouth still full.

"I ain't worried," Pavel smirks sipping on his coffee.

"Of course, you ain't!" Drago grumbles.

"Not all of us have slept with the teacher, you know," Teo points out as he leaves. "See ya, boys!"

"See ya!" Drago and Goran reply as one.

We finish our breakfast in silence, it's way too tasty to spoil it with talking, and decide to share a cab to school.

Unfortunately, we arrive just as our classmates are preparing for yet another Chemistry quiz. When does she even find the time to make those? Doesn't Pavel keep her occupied enough?

I take my spot, asking Lazar for a pen. I haven't studied but Nadya is just a glance away from my shoulder. I'll pull it through, as always.


Thank you for reading! 😘💋

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Sincerely, Angel [BxB]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat