18 | Girl Trouble | Teo's POV

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"I don't know what to do anymore!" Drago sobs in my arms as I caress his back. It's the only thing I could do right now.

The tricky thing of having friends with benefits is that someone, at some point, always grows feelings. And then ends up getting hurt. And right now that someone is my friend. Crying in my arms over a boy he hooked up with only twice.

We're in a taxi, traveling towards his home. The taxi driver is smart enough to keep his mouth shut instead of the usual chit-chat. And of course, Pavel asked we drop him off first. Hightailing with the speed of light and leaving me alone with a weeping mess.

"Come on! You're a handsome guy! You'll find someone new in no time!" I try to sound as sincere as possible but the truth is, if Drago really is gay, the dating pool shrinks with about a tenth of the amount of single girls, available for straight guys. Hell, I'm bi and I'm still a virgin! Where is my knight in shining armour? Or princess... Really, I'm down for anyone!

"He kept telling me we aren't dating but I didn't think he would already have someone else!" Drago seems a little bit calmer now, his little sobs no longer that frequent. "I thought if I just try hard enough he would come to love me!"

The taxi driver snorts and I glare at him in the rear-view mirror.

"You can do better than him," I tell my friend. "Some emo loner boy! What did you even see in him in the first place?" I know what he saw in him. Angel is handsome in his own way. In fact, when I learned that the two of them had slept together, the first thing that popped into my mind was a threesome. I can be really pervy sometimes.

We stop in front of Drago's house and I kiss his forehead before letting him go to pay the driver. No tip for this guy.

I exit the car and watch as my friend fumbles with the door handle. He moves slowly, as if he carries the whole world on his shoulders.

I place my hand around his waist, not even thinking about what I'm doing, and lead him towards his house. His grandfather is home, observing us with furrowed brows as I guide Drago up the stairs.

Perhaps I should've greeted him? Well, whatever.

I lay Drago on his bed and I crouch down to take his shoes off.

A foolish thought crosses my mind but it's gone as soon as it appeared. The last thing Drago needs right now is another guy confessing his undying love for him. Patience, Teo! Patience! You'll get your man!

What I need to do right now is be next to him, comfort him, hold him in my arms... If only his stupid grandad didn't decide to check on him!

Mr. Pavlov knocks on the doorframe of the half-opened door and enters without waiting for an invitation.

"What's going on here?" His tone is concerned. I haven't seen him look so human in all the time I've been to Drago's house.

"Girl trouble," I say, the lie slipping effortlessly off my tongue.

Mr. Pavlov hums and sits next to Drago, on the side opposite of me. "What happened?"

"She cheated on him with another dude," I answer instead of him. In the state Drago is right now, he might end up outing himself and he's not ready for that just yet. I can tell by the grateful look he throws at me through his half-closed eyelids.

"I just... need to rest for a little bit," Drago utters crawling over his bed. He curls in a ball at the centre of it and hides his face behind his forearms. "I'll be fine," he mutters in a way I can barely understand.

I feel the urge to hug him but I can tell it wouldn't sit well with his grandad. He's the tough cold type, the kind that rarely shows any feelings.

I meet Mr. Pavlov's deep brown eyes and see something I haven't noticed before. He knows! Or is it my guilty conscience? I've gotten so used to lying the people around me, pretending to be someone I'm not just to fit in... Every now and then I get scared someone might see through the mask and figure what I really am - an imposer, a fraud, fake to the marrow of my bones.

"Well, I better get going," I say.

I don't want to leave Drago alone but there's something in Mr. Pavlov's eyes that scares the fuck out of me. I feel exposed, bare under his gaze. He knows.

"It was nice meeting you, Mr. Pavlov." I throw him one of my fake smiles before leaving the room. It takes extra effort to keep my pace steady and unhurried. I wouldn't want Mr. Pavlov to think I'm running away from him. I am. But he doesn't need to know that.

I stop in front of Drago's house to call a cab. Just my luck it's the same driver as before. It makes sense though. He was in the area.

I don't tip him this time either. I'm not feeling generous today.


Thank you for reading so far!

I wrote this from Teo's POV because I didn't want the chapter to become too depressing but I still had to note Drago is hurt about seeing Angel and Emil together.

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