42 | Evening Wear | Angel's POV

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"Did I really had to learn you're dating someone from Zora?" My sister is leaning on the kitchen door, smoking like a chimney. I thought she quit. "You never talk to me anymore. We used to share everything!" Her bloodshot eyes are sad and lonely.

When did I stop talking with her? Was it after our mom died? Or was it because of my crush on Emil? I don't know anymore.

"S-sory," I respond with shaking hands as I try to button my shirt for the second time. I'm so anxious about tonight my stomach is a ball of nerves. I ended up throwing up my lunch and I wasn't able to eat anything since.

"So when do I get to meet him?" Svetla drags her feet to the sofa and plops down with a thud. "I do get to meet my brother's boyfriend, right?" She regards me with a glare.

"O-of course!" I try to smile at her but I could tell I'm not convincing. If anything it probably looks more like a grimace.

Truth is, I was afraid to tell her because of her recent heart-break. Which I am responsible for. Guilt is gnawing at me on the inside.

"I'll... invite him over. Soon," I promise even though I'm not thrilled by the idea. I barely survived meeting Drago's parents and I didn't even get to talk with his father.

Just as I finally manage to button my shirt correctly, I hear the front door open and auntie comes in, two shopping bags in hand.

I pull on my pants, the bookcase next to my bed doing close to nothing to shield me from view but I'm used to it already. There's no privacy for me in this house.

"Svetla, no smoking in the house!" Auntie scolds my sister as she goes inside the kitchen.

Svetla rolls her eyes but puts the cigarette down anyway. "You know, I might move out soon."

I don't say anything and I don't really think my aunt heard her or she would be attacking her with questions by now.

Svetla focuses her onyx eyes on me and I manage to utter an "Ok...".

"Let me help you with that." She stands up and starts tucking my shirt into the pants. I let her help me, blinking stupidly as she does so, because, let's face it, I barely managed to button up the shirt and if I keep going at this rate I'll most likely be late for the 'semi-official' dinner party I'm supposed to attend.

One of the cons of having a rich boyfriend: fancy dinner parties. I just have the gut-wrenching feeling I will hate it.

"...It has nothing to do with you, you know," Svetla says but I know she's just trying to calm me down, tiptoeing around my insecurities as always. Why else would she move if not because of me? "It's just that a colleague of mine is looking for a roommate and I can't live with you and Zora forever." She steps back and sits on the sofa again. "I need to be independent. Have my own place..."

"What are you talking about?" Auntie comes out of the kitchen.

"I'm moving out." Svetla turns towards Zora.

"Why? Where?" Auntie sits on the sofa next to her and grabs her hands.

"Evelina was looking for a roommate and her place is closer to work. It's a matter of convenience really."

"Wait, does that mean I get my own room?" I can't help the grin that adorns my face.

"I'm glad to know you'll miss me," Svetla says in a playful way, her onyx eyes laughing at me. It's the first time I see her smile since Emil.

"Oh, I will." I nod my head eagerly. "But I get my own room!" I jump from excitement, all of my worries forgotten in the blink of an eye.

I feel like that one Christmas when my mom gave me my very first smartphone. By that time, all of the kids at school already had one. I was the last one to join the trend.

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