31 | Major Jerk Award | Angel's POV

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Just to specify that the dedication has nothing to do with the title of this chapter 😅

So for the lots of lovely comments and votes kingcat300 Thank you!


"See you tomorrow," Drago says as he pecks me on the lips. He hasn't left my side during the whole day and I can't say I hate the feeling.

"See you." I smile at him right before he jogs to his friends, stopping mid-way for a silly wave in my direction.

I walk towards the school gate, ignoring the stares I get from Yana and Bahar on my way out.

I see his bike first. And then the man himself, leaning on the black monster with a cigarette between his lips. He regards me with a smirk. "Hi, Angel!"

"Hey." I hesitantly step forward. "What are you doing here?"

"Need a ride?"

"Uhm, sure." I can't actually think of a reason not to take on his offer. "You and Svetla ok?"

"We broke up over the phone." He laughs. "It was to be expected considering I have the hots for her brother." Emil stomps on the cigarette and takes a step towards me. He wraps his arms around my waist and leans forward.

"Stop!" I utter mere millimetres before our lips touch.

He pauses, and returns a little of my personal space. "What's wrong, my Angel?"

"Just because you and my sister broke up, it doesn't mean we'll get together."

"Don't you want me?" Emil asks, caressing my sides. And it's awfully hard not to cave in to his touch. My resolve really flies out the window where he is concerned.

"I..." I brave looking into his steel blue eyes. "I have a boyfriend."

His face contorts in something between disappointment and disgust.

"That boy I was obsessing over... We're actually dating now. Like really together. Exclusively."

"I get it," he grumbles, letting me go. "So that's it?"

"Sorry. I really want to give this relationship a chance," I say and it's probably the most mature decision I've made in my entire life.

He sighs and turns around. "From two chairs to the ground," he mumbles to himself as he gets on his bike.

He rides away, not even saying a 'Goodbye' or 'See you around'. And I can't help but feel disappointed. I wish we could've stayed friends. He was the closest person I had in my life, after auntie.

I sigh and keep walking towards my bus stop. It just wasn't meant to be.


I lounge on my sofa, absentmindedly browsing through reddit with a bored look on my face. Maybe I should've agreed to the family dinner thing. Is it too late to change my mind now? I'm not thrilled to come face to face with Drago's grandad again but Natalia seemed nice. Plus his parents will be there, and I have to meet them eventually, shouldn't I? I'm dating their son after all.

And his friends aren't nearly as bad as I thought they were. Well, with the exception of Goran and Kasim. Those boys have some major anger issues.

Plus a movie night sounds fun. I've never been over at a friend's house. Or in this case, my boyfriend's house. I've never watched movies with friends. Mainly because I don't have any. Maybe me and Pavel could actually get along. Not Teo. It's clear that he hates my guts. But Drago will be there. And if I sleep over I might avoid the so dreaded conversation with my sister. We still haven't talked after her break up with Emil. It's not like we usually talk much anyway. But this is something we need to discuss. We can't just pretend it didn't happen, can we?

Sincerely, Angel [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now