26 | Catching Feelings | Emil's POV

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This would be the last or second to last time I write a chapter from Emil's POV. It turns out that out of all my characters  he has the most villain potential. I'm not quite sure if I am going to use him in such a way yet. I practically make up the story as I go :D



"I... I like you," my Angel mutters and this is all the confirmation I need to jump at his side. His black curls glisten basked in sunlight, his skin is smooth and silky under the palm of my hand, his eyelashes tremble when I caress his cheek, lips pulling in a shy smile... He's beautiful!

I lean towards his cute pink lips, wanting to taste them, needing to have him gasp under me. But merely a second before I close the distance between us, I hear Zora's voice and she doesn't seem pleased to see her only nephew in the arms of a man.

"What is going on in here? Emil, what are you doing to my boy?"

"Nothing." I pull myself away from him and focus my attention on the woman before me. To say she is mad would be an understatement.

"It doesn't look like nothing to me!"

"It's ok, auntie. No need to worry," Angel speaks up but he doesn't sound convincing and the position she saw us in couldn't be any clearer, so the next thing I know, she's kicking me out of her house with no chance to redeem myself. I don't blame her. If he was my child, I would probably do the same.

I take one last look at my Angel before going to Svetla's room. Will I see him again? I'll stalk him in front of his school if I have to. I'm not giving up on him that easy!

I get dressed, not actually being in a hurry but not stalling it either. I glance around my girlfriend's bedroom one more time... I literally have half of my stuff here. Clothes, my laptop, even my favourite ashtray... It's a glass one, decorated with dried flowers inside. A gift from Svetla for our 6-month anniversary.

I don't plan to take anything with me right now. That will give me an excuse to come back later. When Zora is at work and my Angel is alone at home.

Svetla isn't the revengeful type. Somehow I don't see her smashing my laptop to little pieces or tearing my clothes apart.

Ok, maybe I'll take the laptop with me. Just in case. You never know.

I observe her sleeping figure. It's probably the last time I will get to see her this calm. No regrets. Whatever we had was purely physical. I never managed to catch feelings for the girl. After all, I wouldn't have gone for her brother, if I felt something towards her.

I leave Svetla's room as quietly as possible, stepping towards the kitchen to check on my Angel.

He's blabbering in Zora's arms, bitter tears streaming down his sweet cheeks. I fight the urge to comfort him, caress his soft curls until his tears run dry. I'm not wanted here.

So I leave.

I'm not worried. I will see my Angel again. His aunt isn't an insurmountable challenge. Not if he likes me back. And he does.

I light a cigarette with a smug smile, leaning on my bike. The kitchen window doesn't have blinds on. Only a short lace curtain is attempting to obscure my view.

I observe as Zora plants a kiss on Angel's forehead and stands up, disappearing in the non-visible part of their kitchen.

I didn't mean to make my Angel cry.

He wipes his cheeks with the palm of his hand, gaze downcast towards the table. I hope he would look my way but he doesn't. So I watch him as he finishes his tea, sip by sip, his beautiful curls falling over his eyes.

I love this boy! It's not only carnal physical desire. I really love him. And I'm going to make him mine.



I can't decide whether the next chapter should be from Angel's or Dragomir's POV. What do you think? 🤔

Sincerely, Angel [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now