06 | Pretty Boys | Drago's POV

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I walk towards school, eager to meet a certain someone. I've spent all weekend thinking about him, a thousand scenarios running through my head.

I imagine how he'll greet me with that cheeky smile of his, eyes gleaming with mischief. I will whisper in his ear how beautiful he looks today and he'll blush in response, maybe even giggle shyly.

In one of these scenarios he'll squeal my name and fling his arms around me as if we've been dating for years. The way lovers do when they've been separated from each other for a long time. I picture him wrapping his legs around my waist, kissing me with a passion our classmates have never seen before. Yeah, the last one is not very likely to happen.

I spot my friends, Pavel and Marina shamelessly making out while Kasim and Teo discuss something on the side. Teo sees me first and waves my way.

"Hi, guys!" I fist bump Teo and give Kasim a bro hug. Pavel, of course, is too busy to notice that I'm even there.

Kasim starts filling me in on the latest gossip while I subtly scan the school yard for my Angel. He's getting late.

I hear the roaring of the bike before I see it: black, powerful, mounted by two riders. It was rare for Angel to come to school by bike but it happened.

I hold my breath as he takes the helmet off, his jet black curls dishevelled from the ride. He turns his back to me, dark green vest hugging his slim frame.

The guy that drove him is dressed in denim from head to toe, his helmet - glossy black with a dark grey spiderweb on the side.

I was never curious enough to ask him who this guy is and why he is driving him to school but now I'm itching to know.

They exchange a few words and the biker speeds away, Angel watching him as he disappears round the corner.

Angel turns around and I grin like a fudging love-struck fool while he walks towards school.

"Emo boy has a biker boyfriend." Kasim laughs in my ear.

I shush him, hoping Angel isn't close enough to hear him.

"What?" Kasim sneers.

I tense, wishing my friends weren't such morons. Joking from time to time is fine but not here, not now, not in front of him.

Angel walks past us, glancing briefly at me without faltering in his steps. While Kasim is right next to me, still paying attention to his movements, I do not dare say 'Hello'.

"Hey, emo boy!" Kasim calls to him and I freeze in horror. "Did your boyfriend drop you off?" How could he be so fudging embarrassing sometimes? And why now? Any other day but now!

Angel ignores him and keeps walking.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" Kasim nearly shouts and moves to catch up with him.

I hold him by the arm before he advances any further.

"What?" Kasim barks at me annoyed.

"Stop making a fool of yourself! You're embarrassing!" I try to keep my voice calm through gritted teeth.

Kasim glares at me but lets it go. He crosses his arms over his chest with a scorn on his otherwise handsome face.

"I was just asking." He pouts.

"So anyways! I have a new haircut. Thanks for noticing!" Teo fills the silence.

I look at him but his hair isn't much different than usual. A little shorter on the sides but still more or less the same dark brown mess.

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