22 | From Bestie to Lover | Teo's POV

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This chapter is a bit longer than usual but not by much ;)



The local supermarket doesn't have that many chocolate options. There're only two with hazelnuts and I still have no idea which one to get. Maybe both? Yeah, definitely both.

I move to the register but there's a line of about four people ahead of me. Whatever, I'm not in a hurry. Drago can survive without me for a few minutes.

"Teo?" I hear a familiar voice behind me and turn to see none other than Pavel. What are the odds of that happening?

"Oh, hi!" I give him one of my charming smiles.

"What are you doing here?" He fixes his golden blond hair like it isn't always perfect.

I lift the chocolate in my hands so he can see it, "Got a sweet tooth," and add another smile for good measure. Drago might be pissed at him right now but I don't want to burn all of my bridges in advance. They'll probably make up anyway. They always do. "And what about you? You don't live in the area," I keep the conversation going, putting on a friendly mask.

"Nah, but Marina does." Pavel winks at me. "And her parents are out of town."

"You dawg!" I gasp and playfully slap his bicep. Yep, he works out. Maybe more in the bedroom than at the gym but still... he's got muscle.

"I ran out of condoms after the second time." He shrugs. "I should've taken more."

And that's when I notice what he's holding in his hand.

"Berry flavoured?"

"She likes the taste."

I bet nothing in the world could wipe out his smug smile right now.

"I'm telling you, man. She's the one," Pavel says.

"For real?" Somehow I don't believe him. Since when was he serious about a girl?

"Yeah." He runs a hand through his annoyingly gorgeous hair.

Before I realise it, it's my turn to pay.

I don't bring up how he outed his best friend without his permission. I don't want to start a fight.

"Well, see you tomorrow." I pull another fake smile before bolting out the door.

"See ya."

It's not that I don't like Pavel but... Yeah, I don't like him at all. He's just so frustratingly perfect! And self-centered. And cretinous!

But for some stupid reason Drago likes him.

What the fuck does he have that I don't? I get why he would like Angel but Pavel? Beats me! Beyond the pretty exterior there's nothing there.


"Someone ordered chocolate!" I smirk as I show Drago what I bought him. "I didn't know which brand you would prefer so I got both."

"Thanks," he says, chewing on a muffin.

I place the chocolate over the dashboard and reach into the bag of muffins. Only two remain uneaten.

I get one and take a bite.

Should I tell him that I met Pavel? He looks better now, somehow calmer. I wouldn't want to upset him again.

"You'll never guess who I saw just now!" My stupid mouth runs on its own again.

"Who?" Drago asks, eating the last bite of his muffin.

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