38 | Friends | Alejo's POV

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So here it is, people!
For the first time ever!

Alejo's POV 😉

Mainly because otherwise the previous chapter would've been a bit too long 😆



I don't know what happened. One moment he was talking with Teodor, shaking hands with his father, and the next...

"Angel? Are you ok?" I hesitantly place a hand on his back, afraid he would fall apart any minute now. He IS falling apart!

"I... Yeah... I'm fine," he utters with great effort.

He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and stands up.

"I need... to wash up," he breathes out.

Was it the food? I ate the same and I feel just fine.

I support him with my fragile body as we go back inside. The guy looks skinny but he has some weight on him. Or maybe I really need to start working out if I can't even carry a guy my own size.

We reach the restroom, not without one or two curious looks, directed our way. I wash my hands, glancing at him now and then as he frantically cleans his face.

What happened? It definitely wasn't the food. Did he just have a panic attack? But what was he worried about? He was literally just talking with Teo, the friendliest jock in school. And he acted like they are buddies not even a few minutes ago.

I dry my hands and stand awkwardly behind him. I feel useless.

The door opens and Teo walks in with a worried look on his face.

"Angel... You ok, man?" Teo asks.

"Yeah..." Angel answers and catches my eyes in the bathroom mirror. "I'm fine," he says as if trying to convince himself. "Perfectly fine," he sighs and fixes his posture. And he leaves the restroom as if nothing happened, not even glancing at Teo as they pass.

I follow right after, not quite sure what to make of all of this.

I notice that he doesn't put a single bite in his mouth afterwards, just absentmindedly pushing his food around with the fork. He looks over my shoulder occasionally, probably observing Teo at the table behind us, but I decide not to comment. I'm not a gossip boy. No, definitely not a gossip boy! None of my business at all.

I place my fork down and clear my throat. "So..." What am I doing? "I know it's probably none of my business but... You and Teo. What's happening there?"

Angel looks at me with his russet brown eyes and I try really hard to keep his gaze. I have this bad habit of not looking people in the eyes as they speak that mom always nags me about.

"I don't... know?" Angel answers quietly but loud enough so I can hear him. "He just... doesn't like me I guess? None of Drago's friends like me. But we have to get along somehow because of him. This guy in particular, even though he's trying to be civil with me, it just shows that he hates my guts. And with all those polite smiles and fake friendliness it kinda becomes even more prominent how much he hates me. It's not just a dislike either. I can tell he really loathes my very existence! It feels like just me breathing around him is setting him off. He tries to hide it, of course, but... I could always tell when someone doesn't like me.

"The weird thing is... I think it started after me and Drago started officially dating. He didn't seem to have a problem with me before. We weren't friends either but..." He shrugs his shoulders and actually stabs a cherry tomato on his plate. "I don't know." He lifts the tomato to his lips, hesitating a little bit before putting it in his mouth.

"Do you think..." I dare speak, "that he's jealous?"

"Jealous?" Angel repeats, his eyes wide.

"Yeah... Of you and Drago."

"That actually makes sense!" Angel exclaims.

I observe him as he goes deep in thought.

"How did I not notice sooner!" Angel slaps his forehead and I chuckle at how comical he looks right now.

He's not a bad guy. I've always been kinda put off by his moody attitude and short insolent answers but right now he's... I don't know... different. He's actually quite easy to talk to. Maybe it's the school environment that stresses him out and that's why he's acting like this. Spending half of your day with rowdy wild teenagers and ignorant teachers might take a serious toll on someone's mental health.

"What are your favourite TV shows?" I ask.

"Oh, I don't watch much TV. Sometimes I catch an episode or two but... My aunt likes reality shows so we mostly watch that at home. The kind they all dance and sing and stuff. Or the type where they get people with totally different characters together and just turn them against each other and let them quarrel. I hate those but she likes them for some reason. I don't know why." He takes another bite of his salad and chews it throughly.

"Sometimes I watch volleyball," he adds, almost as an afterthought. "There's just something about tall guys jumping around in shorts, you know."

I don't know but I nod anyway.

"I don't like soccer though. When they start faking getting hurt it's hilarious the first few times but also kinda pathetic. It's cringe to watch."

Then he starts talking about how he tried working out once, never to repeat again. While he describes the muscle soreness he experienced after, I shudder in disgust. I hate pain. I'll probably stay skinny forever. Or start indulging in junk food and actually manage to gain some fat. No, everyone in my family is skinny. Simply not happening. I got the skinny gene.

I tell him about that one time my mom took me horse riding and I fell off the horse. It was actually a pony and I was like seven but I always skip the pony part. In my stories it's a big horse and I had to get at least a few stitches.

Then he tells me about his love of drawing, even though he sucks at it. The conversation keeps flowing freely afterwards. It turns out we both had something to say and it just took a bit of time to get used to each other.

I think I made a new friend today.


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