Golden Apples? Pfff

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    Let me tell you...that was not what I was expecting.

   "The who the what now?" I asked Lucifer. I could almost sense him rolling his eyes.

   "The Sword is a weapon of great power, my weapon. At least it was...before I was banished." Lucifer said with a bitter tone while I listened closely.

   "With the exile of Adam and Eve from the garden of Eden, He presented the sword to my sister, Uriel, and tasked her with guarding its gates with the Tree of Life." He said and I nodded, digesting the information.

   "Of all our siblings, she was my favourite. Eventually, after a millennia or so, she was recalled to heaven. But she couldn't take the sword there, for it was still ultimately mine, and any of my belongings were most forbidden in heaven'

   "So she left on earth. You, my friend, have to retrieve it.' He said with a small chuckle as I got nervous by the second.

   "So let me get this straight...I have to retrieve a really powerful weapon that you more or less lost? Are you sure you aren't Zeus?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. Lucifer responded with Aam empty silence. I smirked to myself as I proceeded with the questions.

   "So...I don't think you will tell me where it is, so I suppose I'll have to solve some stupid riddle or quest eh?" I asked in a blunt tone. "Why wouldn't I tell you?" Came the confused reply.

   "Cause that's what powerful beings tend to do?" The statement came off more as a question, with me being unsure of what was happening.

   "I will tell you exactly where it is." To say I was surprised, would be an understatement. Why can't all Immortals be like this? "Really? Awesome!" Lucifer laughed at my reply.

   "Well, Eden is not exactly a place, it's more of an existential area... it exists between reality, just like everything divine." He said.

   "Yeah well, just tell me the address and I'll be off," I said.

   "I'm getting to that. Tell me, hero, what's the closest thing you have to the garden of Eden in your pantheon?" He asked while I just looked at him blankly.

   "Not much for brains, are you? The Tree of Life is often represented by your 'Tree of the Golden Apples of Immortality.' You must go to the Garden of the Hesperides, the Eden of your pantheon"

   "So much for no riddles," I said, taking into consideration what he said. The place had some bad memories.

   "And remember, don't touch the sword with your bare hands, no matter what." He said sternly. I involuntarily flinched at the seriousness in his voice.

   "The sword holds more power than you could ever imagine. It will tear apart your soul, should it come in contact with you. Uriel, an archangel, could barely Weill the sword herself. Despite her being "The Flame of God" I nodded as he explained.

   "Ok sure...but how exactly do I bring it back, if I can't touch it," I asked. That was pretty smart of me to think that.

   "I shall take care of that," he said. The temperature suddenly drooped five degrees. I opened my eyes and there was darkness as far as the eye could see. Then as soon as it began, it receded.

   The only different thing was, now on the ground there were two gloves. The gloves were dark as night and seemed to be radiating darkness. And then, there was the sheath of a sword. It seemed to be made of some metal.

   The sheath had intricate patterns on it, embroidered in gold and silver. It was simply gorgeous.

   "The gloves will help you carry it. Use the sheath to secure it" Lucifer said in my mind and I nodded. "I must go now. Father gets impatient when I stay on Earth this long"

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