Dream Video Strikes Again

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   The magicians just stared at me as though I grew a third head. No one spoke anything which led to an awkward silence. Thankfully, the silence was broken by Carter.

   "So, um...Percy. I see that your...here...in the nome." He said awkwardly. Fortunately Sadie came to my rescue.

   "Brother dear, I might have some explaining to do. Why don't you show Percy to the guest room" she said in a cheerful tone, trying to ease the tension. Carter looked like he wanted to protest but decided against it.

   "Follow me" he said and I did. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Sadie trying to explain...well, me. From their reaction, I'm guessing that they didn't know that Greeks existed.

   "So, now are you gonna tell me what in Ra's name those things were?" Asked Carter as we were walking. I knew this question was coming and I was prepared.

   "There are great powers at play here. The Egyptians, Greek or Roman pantheons alone cannot contain this threat. Those creatures are just part of the main problem" I said in a grave voice. Carter looked unsure for a second.

   "How on earth did you kill those things? We tried out best, but none of our spells or weapons worked!" He asked in exasperation. 

   "Well, it's complicated. Your weapons won't be able to harm them. But I think there's one way through which you stand a chance." I said. The method would be very taxing and temporary, but it was something that I had to do.

   "Okay..." replied Carter. Then he looked at me weirdly. "Why do you have wings?" He asked, as though that was the weirdest thing he had seen all day, which was probably true.

   "Let's just say, it comes with the job" I said and he rolled his eyes.

   "Could you be anymore mysterious?" He said and I laughed. We reached a room that looked different from the others. 

   "Go on, get some sleep. It's getting late." He said and I yawned, agreeing with him. I thanked Carter and he took off. I went inside the room and I must say, it was pretty cool.

   There was a king sized bed with bedside lamps on either of its side. It had a large TV facing opposite to the bed. There was a huge balcony with a clear view of the outside. The drapes were a bright golden colour that looked like they gave off their own light.

   The most prominent feature of the room was the huge skylight on the ceiling of the room. Through it, you could see the midnight moon and it's light filled the room.

   The atmosphere was enough to make me feel sleepy. Now, as the Light Bringer, I don't need to sleep. But it feels good when I do.

   I was too lazy to shower, so I just summoned hellfire and willed it to cover me, careful not to burn the room. When the hellfire dispersed, I felt good as new. I had a new plain orange shirt on with comfortable pants.

   I walked towards the bed and fell face-first into the soft fabric of the bed. I adjusted myself and immediately, I felt myself drifting into sleep. Darkness over took me and I was finally asleep.

   Of course no sleep is complete without a dream.

   Instead of the darkness from toy previous dreams, this time I was in a small house. It was simple yet beautiful on the inside. There was a middle-aged man sitting on a sofa near the fireplace. His wavy hair had thin streaks of grey in them. His beard was trimmed and so was his moustache.

   I sat opposite to him on a couch. Somehow, I felt safe around the person. If the man noticed my presence, he didn't acknowledge it. He just looked right into the flames of the fireplace.

   "Excuse me, but who are you?" I asked. The man had literally no aura around him. He looked at me with eyes that seemed to hold centuries of wisdom.

   "Well" he said in a deep and rich voice "technically I'm you surrogate uncle." I groaned. Great, another one of Lucifer's siblings. Apparently, he heard my thoughts, because he let out a soft laugh.

   " Indeed you are right. Let's just call me Mike for now. Sounds like a fun name" he said in amusement. I sighed...why don't I get a peaceful sleep?

   "Anyway, the reason you're here, in my house, is because I need to you to find something" he said in a cheerful tone. I raised an eyebrow at him.

   "And why would I do that?" I questioned him. I'm tired of people asking me to do stuff. He just smiled at me and replied.

   "Oh I'm not forcing you to. It's your choice really. But the piece will be very important for you in the future. I see many challenges in the path ahead of you" he said while tending to the hearth with a stick. He reminded me a bit of Hestia.

   "Well, anything that improves the chances of me staying alive sounds good" I said. Mike laughed at that. His voice was pure and brought back good memories of my childhood.

   "But at least tell me what I should be preparing for in the future. It's really hard not knowing your enemy." I said. Mike seemed to be in deep thought for a minute before he opened his mouth to speak.

   "You will face the monster of your dreams" he said and my blood turned cold. He couldn't mean...the voices that I dreamt about.

   "I'm sorry, light bringer. But you will have to face it. I shall try to help you in anyway I can but the outcome of the battle lies solely on you." He said with a grave expression on his face. I leaned back on the couch and sighed.

   "Do you know what the creature is?" I asked with hope. Mike nodded and leaned forward from his seat. He spoke in a low voice.

   "I cannot tell you what it is. But the creature was destined to fight against me and the armies of heaven during the apocalypse. The fact that you have to fight it alone is truly a frightening thought" he said while shuddering a bit.

   Whatever made a holy being worried, is something that I'd rather not mess with. Only if I had a say in these matters.

   "All I can do for now, is wish you the best of luck. May Father be with you. You must wake soon, till we meet again dear friend." He said and I felt myself waking up. But before I could go, I asked him one last question.

   "Who really are you" I yelled as I felt my dream-self dissolve. I saw the person smile at me and place a hand under my fading chin. He spoke in a heavenly voice.

       "I'm Saint Michael, The Archangel" he said and everything turned black

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