Are All Valkyries Mean?

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   Hunding guided me to my room and I followed. 

   The awkward moment, when I had forgotten where I had teleported Magnus and Alex, had resulted in a variety of curses and a bit of decapitation when I brought them back. 

   Well it's was mostly Alex cursing and Magnus getting decapitated...

   Hunding went into the elevator and so did I. The cage-like bars of the elevator door slid shut and it started moving when hunding inserted a key pass into some kind of slot and pressed a button. 

   The speaker blasted us with Norse music...just the kind that I hated. I yawned and scratched my head. When the doors opened, I walked out to see a huge palace in front of me. It looked a lot like the Buckingham palace.

   Is it weird that there is a palace inside a hotel? Or is it a hotel outside a palace?

   It had a huge garden that had hundreds of varieties of flowers growing, all in vivid colours that's made the view quite stunning. It was almost like a rainbow vomited on the garden.

   The inside of the palace was even more spectacular than the outside. There were stairs that lead to different rooms and floors of the palace. On one of the far rooms to my right, I saw a huge dining table. Nothing was served on it yet but I got the feeling that it would only take a second for food to appear on the table.

   In the centre of the hallway's ceiling, was a huge chandelier that gave off a sparkling yellow light. I would have honestly stayed the whole day admiring the place but I saw Hunding take the stairs and I had no choice but to follow him. 

   We walked for a few minutes, with me admiring the artworks that hung on the walls, before reaching a wooden door. The craftsmanship on the door was exquisite and the surface was as smooth as glass.

   Hunding opened the doors, revealing a huge suite. It had many rooms within it and you could see the clear night sky in all its glory from the room. There was a coffee table and I'm pretty sure that in one of the rooms, there was a huge king sized bed. 

   "This is your room. I'll be leaving now" he said. Wasn't it a custom to give the staff tips or something? "Wait" I called after him. I closed my eyes and channelled some of my power to my hand. It formed a small glowing ball which then condensed into to a marble.

   I had no idea what it was supposed to do but I extended my hand and placed the marble in Hunding's palm. He looked just as confused as me. Then all of a sudden, the marble started getting bigger and changed its shape. It's colours transformed into different ones and it formed a rectangular structure.

   Within the next second, Hunding was holding the largest chocolate bar i had ever seen in my life.

   It was huge, almost as long as my height. It was a diabetic's worst nightmare. 

   Hunding's eyes almost popped right out of their sockets. I noticed drool building up in the corner of his mouth. I guess the marble gave him what he wanted the most...chocolate. Hunding looked at me, speechless, and muttered some incoherent 'thank you's before rushing out. I hadn't even closed my door when I noticed that Hunding had already torn open the wrappers and the golden foil of the chocolate bar.

   He was aggressively munching on it and I let out a small laugh as I shut the door. Hunding was a good fellow. I needed to speak to Odin sometime about his work status. I turned around and walked towards the bathroom. I did my business and brushed my teeth.

   As the saying goes...brush the teeth, that you want to keep. 

   After finishing, I walked out of the room and found new clothes on my bed. I was pretty sure that they weren't there a minute ago. Shrugging, I put them on. They were quite comfortable and made me feel like I was wrapped in a cocoon of clouds.

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