I Explode

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   The hunters were taken aback from my voice. I smirked at Atlanta who was now glaring at me. But I smelled the fear radiating from her.

   I lit my hand on hellfire, burning the broken arrow that I was holding. I felt my eyes burn with power. I casually kept twirling Lucy in my hand while approaching Atlanta. Again I felt my instincts go berserk and I turned to my left.

   With a swing of my sword, I sliced a arrow made of moonlight coming at me, into half, right along its length. I turned towards Artemis, who was holding her crescent shaped bow. 

   "Perseus. Don't do anything you will regret. We will not show mercy!" yelled Artemis. The hunters picked their bows and pointed it at me. They rallied behind their mistress and looked quite formidable to a regular enemy.

   I just raised and eyebrow and laughed in my demonic voice. The unnatural sound echoed throughout the forest. 

   "Mercy. You won't show mercy? Oh my dear Artemis, we are too late for that aren't we. Besides, I've already taken on Tartarus and won. I'll make this quick" I said and charged at the hunters. Artemis looked taken aback on the mention of me beating Tartarus, but quickly recovered and charged as well.

   She pulled her bowstring back and an arrow of moonlight appeared. The hunters followed suite, notching their arrows and pulling their bowstring. The hunters along with Artemis left the bowstring together and a volley of arrows headed towards me.

   I smirked. I pointed Lucy at the incoming volley and instantly, all the arrows were vaporised. The hunters were stunned at how easily I deflected their attack. I knew this fight was a piece of cake.

   I didn't want to hurt all the hunters. Only the ones who were deserving of punishment. I tried out something I had been wanting to do for a long time.

   I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I focused on the flaming sword inside me. I imagined myself merging with the flame. In response the flame burned much brighter. I felt power rush through my veins.

   I felt it trying to escape from my body. I felt the increasing pressure of staying in a physical form. I held on for a second before letting go.

   I dissolved in a burst of light. I felt my brain flooding with the information of the surroundings. I felt my consciousness spread out over an area. I knew everything that went on where my consciousness was.

   I focused on the hunters and Artemis. I felt a familiar tug of my gut and instantly, the said people fell to the ground, writhing in pain and anguish.

   I somehow had a instinct, which told me which of the hunters were undeserving of the punishment. I freed those hunters from the pain.

   I focused on a physical form again. I felt my consciousness retreat into a confined space. I opened my eyes and knew that I was once again in a human body. My clothes were sizzling and my skin was red from the heat. 

   I sighed. This mortal body could take only so much power. I looked at the hunters. The ones who I released were looking around, desperately trying to find a way to help their suffering sisters. I felt pity on them and lifted the effect of the pain on the others.

   The hunters stopped screaming and groggily got up. They looked at me with hatred and fear. Two emotions that I'm very used to by now.

   "You dare..." started Artemis who was clutching her abdomen in pain. I cut her off before she could finish.

   "Yes I do dare Artemis. Now listen carefully. I shall not ill-treat the hunt and the hunters as long as it's mutual" I said with confidence and authority. Artemis wanted to protest but hunched over, in the residual pain, before she could do so.

   "I'll take that as a yes. Now, I believe it's time for lunch." I said clapping my hands together. The hunters were looking dizzy from the days events. I walked to the table and summoned food for everyone.

   Everyone sat and the older hunters looked like they wanted to hang me but settled for a few curses and started eating. After the meal, everyone sluggishly walked towards the infirmary to patch up a little, from the previous experience. I rolled my eyes. It was nothing that they hadn't brought upon themselves.

   I walked out of the camp to a nearby lake. I sat there and lay on my back, enjoying the forest air and the smell of flowers.

   After a few minutes I felt a strange presence a few hundred meters away. Alarmed, I quickly made my way back to the hunter's camp. 

   I was a few meters away before I heard a scream. It was definitely of a hunter. I ran after and the sight before me was not something I wanted to see.

   The hunt was under the attack of the one of the strangest monster I've ever seen. It had the tail of a scorpion, wings of a bat, human-like face with long blonde hair. It had fangs like a lion and a crown on its head that was made of something like gold. 

   My eyes widened when I realised what they were. These were locusts of The Bottomless Pit. Not Tartarus, not even Hell. They were the subjects of Apollyon. War must be using them. Getting stinged from their scorpion tail would be the most painful thing, a person could imagine. 

 <Imagine this, but something more like a locust-ish and a crown>

 <Imagine this, but something more like a locust-ish and a crown>

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   Almost like I sensed my presence, which is likely, it turned its head towards my direction and gave out something between a roar and a hiss. 

   As I approached it, it almost seemed to be repulsed be me. It tried to get as far away from me as possible. I looked at the ground to where the monster had been and what I saw, caused anger to bubble inside me. 

   Laying on the ground, shifting and writing in pain was one of the younger hunters. I recognised her as the one who picked up the bow and thanked me. She had a huge sting mark on her arm.

   I knew I couldn't do anything to heal her. I focused on the locust. My eyes turned into fireballs and I summoned Lucy. The very sight of The Sword Of Eden caused the creature to scream in repulsion and displeasure.

   Filled with rage, I threw Lucy at the locust. The sword embedded itself into the shoulder of the creature, which cried out in pain. It fell to the ground as Lucy glowed brighter. I calmly walked towards it. 

   I pulled Lucy out and summoned hellfire which pinned the locust to the ground. I was about to deliver the final blow before the creature spoke in a hoarse human voice that sounded like it hadn't been used for a thousand years.

      "It has begun" said the locust before I plunged my sword into its heart.

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