I Make A Successful Bargain... Not

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   As I said those words, my eyes scanned the room. 

   It was dark with a few fire torches for light. It had deep blue walls with moss, growing in between the cracks and bricks. It reminded me of a prison cell from ancient times. Finally, my eyes landed on Edward and he was alone.

   He was standing in front of a fire stand. I looked at the flame that was burning and saw a brief resemblance of a human face. Before I could make out the details, Ed waved his hand over the flame and extinguished it. 

   "I must say... I never thought you would get out of those chains" he said, trying to cover up his surprise. I mentally patted myself on the back for my smart thinking back there.

   "Well, I'm fun that way" I replied, rolling my eyes.

   "So... you say you've come to bargain..." he said while slowly approaching me. "Why should I bother listening to you?"

   "Hear me out. You will be greatly rewarded for you patience" I said in a cryptic tone. Ed looked up questioningly, curious about what I had to offer. He seemed to consider his options. After a few seconds he shrugged and snapped his fingers, making two chairs appear out of nowhere for us to sit.

   "So...what do you have to offer" he asked taking a seat. I followed suit and knew that what I was gonna do, was extremely risky. I looked him dead in the eye and spoke.

   "The Sword of Eden" I said and Ed's eyes widened.

   "And what exactly do you want in exchange?" he asked, surprised that I would give up my prized possession. I really hoped this plan would work. If it didn't...it would really suck for me.

   "Set Andromeda free and grant us safe passage out of here" I said in a steely voice. For extra measure I added power to my words. Edward seemed to consider this for a moment before a crooked smile appeared on his face.

   "You have a deal. I must admire your loyalty to your friends but giving up your most powerful weapon? That greek, Athena, sure was right...You fatal flaw is loyalty." He said with a dark laugh. He clenched his fist and the entire room started to shift.

   Slowly, the walls started to change along with everything else in the room. It was like something from a dream. 

   Eventually, the room changed completely. We were now back to the place where I was chained. Only this time, where the chains were, there was a huge cage... and I wasn't in it. The bars seemed to be made of gold and gave off a radiant glow.

   Inside, still unconscious, lay andromeda on the floor of the cage. I wanted to help her so badly but I knew that I couldn't afford to be careless. Instead, I turned towards Edward.

   "Release her" I said. Edward just laughed. "The sword first" he said. I panicked for a second before steeling my nerves.

   "No, free her first and only then, will you get the Sword" I said. Edward gritted his teeth but walked towards the cage. He placed his hands on one of the bars and the entire cage started to glow brighter. I saw tendrils of light flow from the cage, into Edwards body.

   When he was done, the cage still looked like gold but it no longer had a glow to it. Edward rotated his neck and I heard the sound of bones popping. He then turned towards me before speaking.

   "I took back my essence from the metal. The cage is now breakable. Now...The sword." He demanded. I took a deep breath and summoned Lucian and threw it near his feet. The sword embedded itself in the ground and stood vertically. Edward was about to take it but I called after him.

   [[{ Watched Green lantern? Well, you will probably recognise this scene. }]]

   "Release her and let us go" I said. Edward just smiled innocently at me. 

   "See the thing is..." he said and picked up the Sword Of Eden. I telepathically communicated with Lucian about my plan to which I got a hum as a reply.

   "I lied" said Edward. He pointed the sword at me and hellfire formed on it. He shot a powerful beam at be but it stopped in mid-air.

   "I lied too...well not exactly" I said with a calm look. "See the way it works is... you have to be chosen"  

   On cue, the beam of hellfire redirected itself to Edward. It hit him dead centre on the chest and circled around him. The sword glowed brightly in his hand and I saw it begin to affect him. 

   The sword was rejecting him... and the rejection from the Sword of Eden hurts more than anything else possible.

   Edward let out an inhuman scream and the sword gave out one final pulse of energy. A blinding light emitted from it and a huge shockwave send Edward flying in the air, over the cliff we were standing. 

   He let out a loud roar as he fell down the pit that I assumed was well over a hundred miles deep. I wasted no time in picking up the Sword of Eden, that he had dropped in pain. The sword glowed brighter under my touch and I smiled.

   "I missed you too buddy" I said and chuckled. I turned towards Andromeda's cage and swung Lucian at the bars. Within a matter of seconds, I had a very unconscious but free Andromeda.

   I was about to pick her up but a loud inhumane howl filled the cavern air. It was not of any animal that I had ever heard. It reeked of power and evil. I heard the flapping of wings, with each flap sounding like a raging hurricane.

  I turned back and watched the creature as it sprang forth from the depths, it's massive body making me feel like an insect. On it's skin were ancient words, all of them blasphemous, in different languages... words that I dared not repeat.

   When the creature finally landed and stood in its entire height, it let out a huge roar and only then did I got a clear look of it. In front of, standing in all of its glory, was a dragon that made Ladon look like a child. I was staring at a five hundred feet high dragon.

   The fact that it had seven heads didn't do anything to improve my mood.

   All except one of its head had one horn each. The one head at the centre had four horns and looked the most scary. It's tail was almost as long as half of its body. The whole anatomy was covered in scales and spikes. It looked at me and gave out another roar that made me want to fall to my knees and worship it.

   "Perseus Jackson Lux!" The heads said in unison. I looked into the eyes and saw red crystal spheres. Recognition sparked across my face as I realised who those eyes belonged to.

                        "Damn it Edward! You're a dragon?!"

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