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   I kept falling for a really long time.

   It was hard to tell for exactly how long I was falling. The sulphurous air kept blowing against my face. Unlike last time, the longer I fell, the stronger I got while approaching Tartarus. 

   After what felt like an eternity, I saw the ground. It was distant, but gradually got closer. But then, I felt a weird sensation pass my body. It was like something was moving within me. Just as fast as it started, it stopped. 

   I shook my head and prepared to spread my wings to land. As I was about to follow through, a dark mass hit me and tried to bite my head off. As a reflex I dodged it's bite. I took a proper look at it.

   It was a gryphon. The memories of gryphons attacking the train towards Alaska, during my quest to free Thanatos, was quite fresh now that the creature was here.

   It had the body of a panther, with the wings and head of an eagle. Its eyes glowed a familiar blood-red.

   I quickly summoned my sword and slashed through the gryphon's wings. It screamed in pain while dissolving into golden dust. 

   Upon leaving the monster's grip, I tumbled towards the ground. Quickly I spread out my wings. I felt the weird sensation from earlier return.

   I landed on the ground and the sensation reduced. The cracking of knuckle-like bones from behind made me look back. The sight I saw surprised me.

   Protruding out of my back, instead of my regular white wings, were two red, seven-foot, bat-like wings. They had sharp edges that felt like they could cut through steel.

   I jumped when I first saw them. I tried changing them back, but to no avail. I sighed, this was gonna be weird. I tucked in my wings and my sword and walked forward. 

   I had just walked for a few meters before I heard a loud roar. I looked to my right, searching for the source of the sound. From behind a few huge rocks came out an enormous drakon. It reminded me of the one that Clarisse killed during the second Titan war.

   It's paralysing stare didn't bother me in the slightest. Instead I just brought out my sword and pointed at it. I spoke in my demonic voice.

   "Don't bother me, leave" I said. Surprisingly the drakon did as told. The Sword Of Eden must have been amplifying my power over monsters.

   'Indeed, Thy authority is established through me' said the Sword Of Eden.

   "Oh thanks... by the way, do you have a name? Calling you The Sword Of Eden every time is annoying" I asked. The sword seemed to hum as if in deep thought.

   'Thou can call me anything thou wishes'  the Sword said and I rolled my eyes.

   "Well let's see...Mark? Ben?...wait a second...are you a girl or guy?" I asked. The sword was about to reply, but a loud crash from ahead brought us out from the conversation

   We ran towards...well, more like 'I', ran towards the noise. As I approached the source, I couched so that whatever it was didn't see me. 

   As I crept behind a rock and looked over, I saw a huge pack of monsters. It had various kinds of monsters. In the front I saw my old friend, the minotaur

   The monsters might have had numbers, but they severely lacked unity. The Laestrygonians randomly swung their clubs and hit the smaller monsters. The empousai were trying to charm some male monster.

   I rolled my eyes. This horde could become a problem, should they escape Tartarus.

   I made my presence know by summoning my sword and banging it to a nearby rock. All the head/heads of the monsters turned towards me.

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