Octopuses Are Weird

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   'Man, that tastes salty' 

   That was my first reaction after jumping into the water. You might be thinking ' Percy, It's normal for a sea to be salty...and why on earth are you trying to taste it?'

   Well for one, I've been to other seas before. None of them were as salty as this. Also the water here was much warmer than most other water bodies. 

   As for why I was tasting it... I accidentally opened my mouth while falling.

   I scanned my surroundings for any threats. Fortunately, I found none. I willed the water to lower me. Within a short time, my feet touched solid ground. I was in a relatively shallow part of the sea. Something told me I had to go deep...very deep.

   I closed my eyes and concentrated on the water surrounding me. I extended my senses to the water and, for the lack of a better word, 'talked' to it.

   Almost immediately, I felt a tugging sensation in my gut. I opened my eyes and something felt different. Everything looked the same except for a small bar of light a few feet ahead of me. Whenever I concentrated on it, it disappeared. I could only see it from the corner of my eyes, preventing me from making out the details of it. It was like a mirage, except it was real.

   I leaned forwards and willed the currents to propel me. The water energised me, removing any tiredness from my previous journey. I kept swimming and the sea floor gradually started going down and down. It was getting deeper. 

   I kept close to the floor while swimming, occasionally passing by a beautiful coral reef. The fish, that I crossed path with, greeted me. Somehow, the way they talked to me felt different than back home. It was like the fish all had an accent, making them slightly harder to communicate to.

   I had a rather... 'odd' chat with an octopus which involved him inviting me to dinner... or becoming dinner, I'm not really sure over all the chasing and grabbing.

   Then, after a few minutes of swimming, the terrain suddenly become much steeper. The surroundings gradually started getting darker with increase in depth. Being this deep, started affecting me slightly. 

   I knew the water pressure right now, would be enough to crush a nuclear submarine like an aluminium [[{ Or is is aluminum? }]] can. For me, it felt like wearing a really thick and tight coat. The feeling was similar to something constantly pressing against my skin, making the experience very uncomfortable.

   Being the son of Poseidon, I somehow knew that I was around a mile deep in water by now. I also knew that the deepest part of the Red Sea should be around two thousand feet lower than my current position.

  [[{ I take it back, the imperial system is really hard. I first tried miles to yards but that just blew up in my face😂 so I settled for feet. Nearly everything online is metric for me and converting it is a real pain }]]

   I kept swimming and eventually reached the deepest know point, as per the mortals. It was a pitch blue wherever you looked, and the fact that the sun should be setting soon was not helpful either.

   But I didn't have much of a problem. I understood what Lucifer meant when he said this should  be a bit easier for me due to my parentage. Anyone else would be long since dead by now. Even in the darkness of the sea floor, I could easily make out any fish that swam past me and objects that lay on the ground. 

   I set myself down and started walking. I looked around and I must say, it was saddening. Even in the bottom of the Red Sea, there was trash. It varied from crushed tin cans and plastics, to old war vehicles.

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