A Real Spoonhead

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   "Language Apollo!" I shouted

   The Olympians just looked at me with their mouths open. After a while, it started getting really creepy. 

   "Uh..could you not stare? It's really weird when you do that" I said rubbing the back of my head. That seemed to bring them out of their stupor.

   Shockingly < Hehe >, Zeus was the first one to come to his senses.

   He lifted and pointed his master bolt at me. "You are supposed to be in Tartarus, Traitor!" he said while thunder rumbling could be heard from a distance. I wondered where Chaos was.

   "Jeez, still as arrogant as always, aren't you Zeus?" I asked rolling my eyes. That seemed to push him to the edge. His master bolt glowed in power and a huge arc of lightning was sent out of it, pointed at me. 

   It illuminated the entire throne room but before it could hit me, it was stopped my some invisible force field in front of me. I must say it was beautiful to look at a lightning strike frozen in time. 

   The room darkened a lot and Zeus's anger temporarily vanished. The shadows started leaning to the center of the throne room where a huge crack appeared. The crack gave out a bright yellow light. The shadows somehow mixed with the light to form a clayey ball in the middle of the room. 

   Eventually the ball formed the shape of a man and hardened. Blue flames burst out from the ground and consumed the silhouette. When the flames dispersed, out walked a man who gave of power in waves. The Olympians shifted uncomfortably under the power output of the person.

   Wow, he must have spent thousands of years just planning dramatic entrances.

   "Ahh, Olympians..." said Chaos in a melodic voice. "Who are you?" Asked Zeus, trying but miserably failing to look intimidating.

   "Why, I'm Chaos!" he said. The Olympians looked shell-shocked. I had to hold back a laugh. Regaining his bearings, Zeus stepped forwards.

   "What is reason for such an honour, Lord Chaos?" He asked while bowing his head a little. What chaos did next was something I never thought I would see in my life.

   Chaos summoned a spoon and hit Zeus on the head with it.

   "You imbecile, I've come here to correct a mistake that most of you did" Zeus just rubbed his head in pain. Chaos extended his hand and Zeus was pushed back all the way to his throne

   "Percy Jackson was innocent of his allegations" Chaos exclaimed, shocking many of the gods who voted against me while the others were smiling.

   "Now, as for your punishment. Those Olympians that favoured the banishment of Percy Jackson, will have to spend one week as mortals in the human world. Should you be killed, your soul will reform but trust me, it will be very painful. You punishment will start in three days time. I will be watching over your domains for the time you are mortal" Chaos said in one breath.

   Some of the gods nearly stumbled from their throne. I smirked at them. They really deserved that.

   "Now, I must take my leave. I believe Perseus here, has some demands" he said, walking towards a general direction of the throne room. He shot me a wink before his figure crumpled into sand that was blown away.

   I looked back at the olympians. This was gonna be fun.

   "Now, I have some tasks to complete while I'm here" I started. No one dared to interfere, making me smirk. "I will have to travel to certain...places." I said thinking back to the prophecy.

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