Evil Plot Children Are Tight!

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  "Wait what?" I asked a little confused. I suspected that the cursed land was Egypt, but I didn't expect to be right. I mean...how often am I right?

   "Egypt" said Lucifer, as if that explained everything. I raised my eyebrows and waited for him to continue. He sighed in annoyance.

   "A long time ago, me and some of my siblings decided to teach the pharaoh of Egypt a lesson. We cursed the land with ten plagues, or seven, depending on how you look at it." He said calmly. My eyes widened a bit.

   "Personally, I feel my sister Azrael's plague was a bit extreme. But well, that was the one where the pharaoh finally caved" he said, scrunching his eyebrows a bit.

   "But why? Why so much suffering?" I asked in a low voice. Lucifer sighed and looked at me with a sad smile.

   "It was necessary. Divine beings like us often see glimpses of the future. Though it may not be very common, it is definitely accurate. We all saw what would happen, should their deeds go unpunished. I remember blocking out the entire sun for four days along with Uriel. It was no walk in the park to see all those people suffering" he said with sadness evident in his voice.   

   "Very well, I guess I've got to go to Egypt" I said letting out a small sigh. Lucifer nodded and put his hand on my shoulder. 

   "But there's something else the prophecy requires me to do. It will hurt, but you must withstand the pain" he said and his hand started to glow a bright shade of reddish-yellow. 

   Hellfire formed where his hand touched my shoulder and for the very first time...it burnt me

   I felt unimaginable pain flow through my body. I knew that even hellfire couldn't hurt like this. This felt like something more. The pain I felt from the Styx was significantly dimmer compared to the pain I felt right now.

   Involuntarily, both my wings spread out and extended to their maximum size. The hellfire spread to my entire body and eventually covered my entire wings. I looked back and with shaky visions, saw that the hellfire was changing the texture of my wings.

   Before I could make out the details, another wave of pain hit me, causing me to let out a small scream. I felt something being carved into my chest and forehead. The pain I felt was indescribable.

   I dropped down to my knees as I felt myself drifting into unconsciousness. I forced myself to stay conscious and it took all my will power not to fall flat on the sand.

   After what felt like a minute, the pain subsided and the hellfire retreated into Lucifer's palm. Lucifer looked really tired and I noticed that there were weird symbols carved in a three foot radius around us.

   Lucifer took back his hand and stood up straighter, he stretched a bit and cracked his knuckles. I felt a strange sensation in my chest. I look down and saw that my shirt was burnt off in very specific designs. I looked under my shirt and saw that my chest had the same designs carved in it as my shirt.

   My forehead too had a weird feeling, but I rubbed at it and felt that nothing was different. I turned towards Lucifer who had a small smile on his face.

   "What....was that?" I asked wearily. 

   "I have claimed you in the name of my Father. You are now The Son Of Light." He said dramatically. When he said 'Son of Light' there was a bright glow on the ground. Hellfire sprouted from underneath and carved out the design that was on my chest.

   My brain somehow recognised the symbol. It was the Sigil of Lucifer

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   "Wait....what?! I'm your son?" I exclaimed. Not that I'm complaining, but shouldn't I get a heads up or something? Besides, I already have Poseidon as my Dad.

   "Well, you are more like a surrogate son of mine. Besides, i would like to have one child that isn't  evil" he said with a bit of anger in the end.

   "So...you have children?" I asked, unsure of what to say next.

   "Yes, I do. All of them are evil incarnate. Nearly all the accusation of me being evil, are because of them" he said while grumbling. I decided that was a subject for another time.

   "Anything I should know before going to Egypt?" I asked. Doesn't hurt to be careful, now does it?

   "Yes, try not to be noticed by the Egyptian deities. Though with your luck, I doubt Father will let that happen" he said chuckling. I rolled my eyes.

   "Oh and one more thing." He said. He suddenly sounded serious and so I knew whatever he was going to tell me was no joking matter. 

   "The key is a very...complicated object. It might not be what you expect. You will face many obstacles. The most important thing, is that you don't lose sight of your goal" he said in a cold voice. I nodded and he relaxed a bit. One thing kept bugging me.

   "Where is Andromeda" I asked Lucifer. Lucifer's facial expressions turned grim once more. He turned away and looked towards the water before speaking.

   "She has been taken. One of my children is responsible. Somehow, she has been clouded from my vision. There can only be a few reasons for this" he said with an bitter look. I looked at him with new determination.

   "I will find her and make whoever that took her pay" I said in a firm voice. Lucifer's expression softened and he smiled. 

   "Very well. So long, son" he said placing a hand on my shoulder. I felt my body dissolve into light. I closed my eyes and felt myself being teleported to a different region.

   I opened my eyes when I heard a surprised yelp come, from a voice that I had definitely heard before. I looked ahead to see my caramel-haired Egyptian friend, holding a khopesh that was pointed at me.

                      "Hey Sadie. Remember me?"

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