Death Is Crazy

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   When I opened my eyes again, the world was upside down.

   Or at least, I thought it was. I blinked to clear the blurriness from my eyes. My hands were dangling and chains were wrapped around my lower body. I shook myself, trying to get free from the restraints.

    I sleep for five minutes, and the world goes to crap.

   "Ahh, you're up. I though I broke you" I heard a feminine voice say. My neck snapped towards the direction of the sound.

   Walking towards me was a tall woman. She was breathtakingly beautiful, which meant she was some kind of deity. She wore a simple black coloured top and deep blue women's slacks. It was simple yet elegant. She was a whole new lever of beautiful, even more than Lucifer himself. Her appearances kept changing to get more and more prettier.

   The aura she gave off made me want to walk towards her, kneel and stab myself with my own sword. Good thing I'm tied up huh?

   "Where's Andromeda?" I asked as soon as I came to my senses, not caring about anything else. She seemed amused that I could talk and spoke in a melodic tone that seemed to resonate through the room. It took all my willpower not to bow down and worship her.

   "It's touching to see your concern for the girl. She's right there" she said pointing to a couch that, I would bet, wasn't there a second before. She waved a hand through the air and my chains disappeared.

   Unprepared, I fell down to the ground, face first. I would have broken my neck, if i hadn't used my shoulder to take some of the energy from the fall. I thought about summoning the Sword of Eden but something told me that I wouldn't stand a chance against whoever this woman was... legendary sword or not.

   "Ouch, that looked painful. Sorry about that. I'm not entirely great with keeping people alive" she said awkwardly trying to lift me up from the ground. 

   After much effort, I stood up and limped towards where Andromeda was. I sat next to her and checked for any injuries. Breathing...check. No Injuries...check. Beautiful as always... check.

   "Flying butter cheesecakes..." I heard Andromeda mutter in her sleep.

   It was a good sign that she was dreaming...and about food. Giving out a breath of relief, I stood and turned towards the mysterious woman. She was standing with her hands on her hip, looking impatient. I walked towards her and raised an eyebrow in question.

   "Who are you and what do you want" I asked in irritation. Best to get this over with. The lady just rolled her eyes and started walking. I followed her, unsure of where she was going. I took the time to take in my surroundings, for the first time since I'd been here.

   The walls were made from extremely smooth obsidian stone, in which you could see your reflection. The floor was made of ceramic tiles that looked newly placed. There was a false ceiling with different square patterns. It was fitted with warm white LED lights. Pretty modern.

   The white light and floor, against the black walls, created a beautiful combination. The whole place seemed to be never ending, with numerous doors that opened up to even bigger rooms.

   "You can call me Ms D. I don't want anything of you per's more like something that must be done" she said in a chippy voice. The name 'Ms D' reminded me of Dionysus, which made me cringe as memories returned.

   I was about to respond but Ms D suddenly looked alarm. She started running towards a room on the far corner of the hall. Thinking it might be danger, I followed while summoning Lucian.           Ms D swung the door open and ran in. I rushed after her, expecting some kind of monster.

   What I saw...was a stock investor's paradise.

   There were a bunch of TV's, all showing the news or the stock market in different languages. There were charts and graphs all over walls. Ms D picked up the phone and started talking in a different voice.

   "The offer is ten million shares at eight hundred per share. Not a penny less. Take it or leave it. But let me tell you, you will not find a better offer anywhere else. It is a growing company, that will make you a lot of money in the future" said Ms D in a serious voice. She looked like she was frozen in time for a few seconds, before slamming the phone to the desk.

   [[{ I don't know a lot bout the stock market and stuff... so I apologise for any mistakes. }]]

   She looked at me with a steely look before speaking. "Now how you close a deal" she said before bursting into giggles and cheers. She did a small dance while bowing to an imaginary crowd. I made an important deduction right there.

   She was...for the lack of a better word... 'Cuckoo'

   While she was congratulating herself and literally patting her back and hugging herself, I looked at the walls on the far side of the room.

   There was a huge bulletin board on one of the walls. On it pinned, were white cards with photos of various people with their names and description. On the top of the board was the banner saying 'Just Die Already'. I read the names and saw the photos until I came across a few familiar faces.

   The first name that I recognised was that of my dear Ex girlfriend... Annabeth.

   I saw a few more names, all of them immortal... Zeus, Charon, Nekhbet, Alex Fierro, and a bunch of creatures that looked like trolls and giants. One card caught my eye.

   Instead of being white in colour like the rest of the cards, this one was red and there was no photo. In the place of the photo, it was written 'unavailable'. I read the card, for the person's credentials. There wasn't much in the description, except for the main general info.

    Name:  Unknown

   Alias: The Wandering Jew

   Born: 7 BCE

   Expected Death: Everyday or The Apocalypse (Whichever's earlier)

   Source Of Life: Curse and Resurrection 

   Description: Cursed as a punishment; Last seen at Beacon Street, Boston, Massachusettes ;         Extremely High Value Target.   

"Ahh, I see you've found your bounty" I heard Ms D say from behind me. I looked at her in confusion. What was she talking about? Sensing my cluelessness, she rolled her eyes and spread her arms out. 

   From her back, sprang out four gigantic wings. Yes...four. They were a pale green in colour and radiated grace and beauty. 

   "Who are you?" I asked in awe. It was the only thing that I could say at the moment. The stunning beauty of the wings left me speechless. Ms D looked at me with a soft smile on her face.

   "I am a horseman...or horsewoman if you will.I am what gives the living a purpose....I am the most divine offering ever given to humanity.... I am..." she said and I interrupted her.

            "Death, the fairest of them all" I stated

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