Between Fire and A Really Hot Place

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   The thing about miracles is...they come when you least expect them.

   There I lay on the floor, resigned to my fate while War towered over me. He lifted his hefty weapon and roared as he brought down the sword with all his might. And that's when it happened. 

   A flying ax, as unusual as that sounds, came and hit the sword, knocking it from his hand. The loud sound of a war horn followed as I heard the coherent shouts of hundreds of soldiers. 

   Men in metal armour marched into the open, their swords and axes clanging against their shield. Even through my fuzzy vision, I could see that not all where least not completely. You definitely couldn't ignore the flying ladies.

   Their cheers filled the cavern and leading them all have got to me kidding me.

   "Forward!" Olivia yelled to her troops, wielding a huge spear in one hand and an axe one another. I heard another round of yells and shouts, this one different that the last, as I saw two huge birds land ahead of the mass. Their shape changed as they morphed into my two Egyptian friends.

   Sadie and Carter, fully dressed for battle, stood tall and ready for anything. Sadie banged her long staff on the ground three times, making a loud noise. The ground rumbled once more as a wave of Egyptians appeared over the crest of a nearby hill. While they lacked the coordination or the numbers of the Vikings, the determination on their faces was clear.

   A huge lightning bolt rained down next to Olivia and figure stepped out of it: a boy around the age of 14. He was well built and had blonde hair. That's when I remembered him...he was the one that I saw in my dream of camp...a few thousand dreams ago.

   Another lightning bolt struck not far from the first, this time...out of it stepped out none other than Jason 'Giraffe' Grace.

   [[{ No Trials of Apollo! Remember? }]]

   Both of them pulled out a sword, one made of imperial gold while the other celestial bronze, and pointed it forward. As soon as they did, I heard some familiar shouts and saw the demigods of Camp Half-Blood rush forward. The Romans followed them, their formations a clear evidence of the discipline of the XII Legion Fulminata

   "Halt! Hold your positions!" Olivia ordered. The Vikings obeyed and the respective commanders of each pantheon relayed the order to their troops. 

   They had formed a wide arc around me and War, between us and the doors, all of their weapons held firmly. 

<imagine this but a lot more...bigger


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    War's expression was priceless. He was surprised by what had just happened, and was I. The few moments was all I needed to catch my breath. I felt my sword return to me, along with its strength. 

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