Excuse Me While I Ponder The Meaning Of This

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   I lazily opened my eyes, taking in the morning view of the room. The orange rays of sunlight reflected off of various designs from the wall and formed beautiful patterns.

   My mind went back to the dream I had last night. It was a bit blurry at the edges but I remember everything that was spoken.

   'Michael, the archangel' that named kept repeating in my head. I knew he was a very important being. I racked  my head for the name.

   All I could think of, was something about fish dancing in a pool.

   I groggily got up from my bead and went to the bathroom. I showered and did my business. Refreshed, I decided to find Carter. I walked out of the room and started jogging towards the route from which I had arrived.

   My mind drifted to random thoughts. I let my body run on instinct. It was kinda like an autopilot. Suddenly, while taking a turn, I ran into someone.

   "Oh for crying out loud" I heard a feminine voice yell. I rubbed my eyes and saw the owner of the voice.

   "Well hello Sadie, second time in two days huh?" I said jokingly. The said person glared at me before laughing.

   "I guess so. Come on, Cater wanted to talk to you once you woke up" she said, turning in the other direction and walking. She motioned me to follow and I did, walking beside her.

   "I've know a way you can defeat those creatures" I said, trying to break the silence. She looked thoughtful for a minute before replying.

   "How?" She asked. I went over the process in my head once again.

   "It's complicated. It will be very tiring. So go to the armoury and try bringing a limited quantity of weapons, whichever you prefer." I said. She nodded and gave me the directions to find Carter. She hurried off towards the other side, probably to the armoury or something.

   I walked in the given directions while admiring the insides of the nome. I walked for a while in peace. Of course it was the calm before the storm.

   Suddenly out of nowhere, I felt like I was being sucked into myself [[{ Weird, I know }]]. I felt space and time bend around me. A sudden force made me close my eyes in pain and clutch my stomach.

   I opened my eyes and saw a dark room. The only source of light was from a small hole in the ceiling. Sunlight entered from the hole and illuminated a tall stalagmite.

   What caught my attention, was the women who was floating in mid air. She appeared to be unconscious and was floating on her back, right above the sharp point of the stalagmite. She wore a green dress but I couldn't make out the details, nor could I identify her face.

[[{ Something like this. But the stalagmite is more...stalagmite-ey


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