Ugh, So Uncomfortable

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   Btw, painted the above image. Nice huh? ⬆️ 

   You better say it is. Cause I'm watching you mwahahaha. Just kidding, no need to get violent}]]

   With that, I was pushed through the archway.

   If I were to describe the experience in one word, that would be - strenuous. When I got to the other side, it felt like my body had been turned inside out. My head ached and all of a sudden I started to feel really hungry.

   I opened my eyes to the biggest building ever. It was...huge. It was literally taller than a mountain.

   The floors kept going up and up, never stopping. No matter how high you looked, there was always a floor higher.

   The entrance was a standard revolving door but there was only one as far as I could see. This made the door really crowded, with batches of people exiting and entering simultaneously.

  'Welcome To Hell. Hope You Hate It!' Said a sign that hung above the door. From a distance I saw a crowded parking lot with hundreds of cars blaring their horns to their heart's content.

   As I tried to walk inside the revolving door, I was literally pushed by a hundred people that didn't bother looking up from their phones or books or whatever. Who reads books while walking?!

   With a lot of difficulty, I made my way inside. As soon I was in, I was hit in the face with hot coffee. And no...that's not some metaphor. I was hit in the face with hot, steaming, sticky, coffee.

   "Sorry bout that...not!" said the lady who threw the coffee. She disappeared within the blink of an eye, before I could even react. 

   The air was really damp and warm and there was this weird smell that filled the air. The lights on the ceiling were so bright that they hurt my eyes. The sound of cars honking somehow was louder inside the building. And there wasn't a single tissue I could use to wipe the coffee out of my face.

   I saw an elevator nearby and quickly ran towards it, only to discover the sign above it that said 'Out Of Commission, Please Use The Stairs'. The stairs however, led upwards in an endless spiral. Climbing that would be a nightmare. I groaned internally.

   This was hell...oh wait...ohhhhh, I get it now. Dam it.

   So that meant...I closed my eyes and concentrated. If this was hell then there should be demons around, right?

   "Coming! One second!" I heard the voice.

   I turned to see an elegantly dressed man walk out from a corner. He approached me and his clothes suddenly made me very self-conscious.

  I awkwardly shifted and the man/demon just laughed. "Don't worry, My Prince. That's just Hell  affecting you" he said. I was too embarrassed to correct him for calling me 'My Prince'.

   "I believe you are here to meet Master Lucifer, aren't you?" He asked and I nodded. "Very well, why don't you just flash to him? Your powers are more powerful in Hell anyway" he said and I went a bit red, embarrassed.

   I thanked him and concentrated on Lucifer. I felt the connection of the Flame that we both had and dissolved into light.

   I reappeared into a wide room. It had walls that were either painted, or made out of gold. There was a chandelier made out of what looked to be the purest of diamonds and rubies.

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