Family Messenger

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   'Why is everything yellow' was the first thought that came to my head once I opened my eyes.

   "Don't worry, it's just me" said an all too familiar voice. I turned towards the person. "Ah, Lucifer. I though I was talking to Mike again"

   Lucifer was sitting on a chair that looked something from the 80's. Unlike the other times, this time he looked a bit old. He had a monocle that gave him a very British look. Anywhere else you saw, it was only yellow. He looked confused at my comment and proceeded to wave his hand. When he did, the entire room burst into life. 

   Walls started forming, lights were conjured, a nice aroma filled the air and a couch was summoned for me. I sat on the couch and Lucifer leaned forwards. He placed his elbows on his knee and interlocked his fingers.

   "Who's Mike?" He asked in confusion, raising an eyebrow. "Well he's one of your siblings. You know Michael right?" Lucifer's eyes widened in alarm before narrowing.

   "Let me guess... middle aged dude, average height, terribly old fashioned?" He asked. His voice was laced with annoyance. I nodded and he scoffed, leaning back against his chair with his hands on the armrest. He placed one leg over the other and regarded me with a raised eyebrow.

   "What did my pesky brother want? He still hasn't taken my fashion advice, has he?" Said Lucifer and I forced a nervous smile.

   "He wanted me to find something" I said. Lucifer pressed his lips together in a manner that indicated that he was thinking.

   "Find what exactly?" He asked. I opened my mouth to reply but then realised...he didn't tell me what to find!   

   "I forgot to ask" I said sheepishly. Lucifer face palmed at my stupidity. I thought back to our conversation and remembered something.

   "He did say something else though" I said and Lucifer looked up. "He said something about me fighting the monster in my dreams"

   As I said this, Lucifer's face turned sour and his lips turned into a scowl. If I had place money on whether he knew the identity of the monster, I would put it on yes.

   "I believe I know what 'Mike' speaks of" said Lucifer, still scowling. I perked up at that. "What is it" I asked impatiently.

   "How familiar are you with the tale of Moses?" He asked and I thought back to all the stories that I had heard in camp. "Not very much" I said.

   "Good, cause that tale is way off." He said while laughing. I tilted my head a bit and waited for him to continue. He cleared his through and placed waved his hand in a dramatic way.

   "As I've told you before, our Father, the Almighty, doesn't generally participate in the affairs of mortals. But during the reign of Ramses II, he showed us what would happen if his reign continued without any interference." He said in a storytelling manner. I listened carefully, not wanting to miss out on any details.

   "He gave us very specific instructions on what to do. My dear brother Micheal, was to pay a visit  to Moses. Well being old fashioned as he was, he took the form of lightning and set a tree ablaze, not a bush as many stories will tell you" 

   "He spoke through the flaming tree and gifted Moses with a... well, a staff." He said while sighing. 

   "Of all the things he could give, he gave him a staff. And people call me cruel." He said chuckling.

   "That staff was then used for performing miracles, splitting the sea, winning the battle against the enemies and whatnot but the tales you hear over-exaggerate them. Eventually, as Moses passed away, the staff was passed down through generations" 

   "Many legends were made about it. One of the most popular one was the staff of Merlin. Eventually, that pissed of Michael. He took the staff back and hid it in a location that no mortal knows of" he said. I thought about it carefully.

   "And I have to find it dont? But how do I find it if no one knows where it is?" I asked and Lucifer laughed.

   "I said a location no 'mortal' knows of. And you and I aren't exactly mortals. I know where you can find it. And considering you Greek parentage...the task might even be a bit easier." He said with a broad smile.

   "Huh you say that as though it's on the bottom of a sea somewhere" I said jokingly while laughing. Lucifer's face however revealed something entirely different. "Yeah..about that...."

   "It is, in fact, in the bottom of a sea" he said

   "Huh?" Was the only thing I said. I may be the son of Poseidon, but water pressure does affect me, even if is just a little. And bottom of a sea might be pushing the limit.

   "Well, Michael knew that humans would not explore under the seas and oceans much. I must say, he was right. For some reason, humans are exploring other planets before exploring the ocean floor. So he hid it under the same sea that it was used to part" he said and realisation struck me.

   "It is under the Red Sea isn't it?" I said while groaning. Lucifer laughed and nodded. 

   Why is it that every time that I'm right about something, which is a rare occurrence on its own, something terrible happens to me.

   "With your luck, it had to be" He said and laughed.

   His monocle shook while he laughed. It was a miracle that it was still in place. Why did he need a monocle anyway?

   "So all I have to do is retrieve the staff of Moses, that originally belonged to Michael, by diving to the bottom of the Red Sea. Did I miss anything?" I asked rhetorically. 

   Unfortunately for me, lucifer answer that question.

   "Yes actually. There is another problem." He said. Of course there was a problem. Dam quests couldn't just be simple and without any twists.

   "What now?" I asked groaning. Lucifer regarded me with a serious expression. "War is trying to free his sister"

   That was terrible news. From Lucifer's description, a single horseman would be hard to take on. Two...that would be suicide. Lucifer placed a hand on my shoulder before speaking in a deep and grave voice.

                              "The horseman Conquest is rising"

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