Five Hundred Doors For What?

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   "I can't! Odin doesn't receive anyone's calls!" Hunding yelled. 

   He was trying his best not to look terrified but I saw right through the facade. I knew that he was very scared and my expression softened. I didn't want to seem like a bully. Even though he would probably be resurrected, the fear of dying was clear. I stood up starighter and gave him a small smile, something that he didn't expect. 

   "I'm sorry for the mess. I assume the soldiers will be alright?" I asked him. He nodded vigorously and I chuckled. I walked past him and patted his back. I passed through the two large doors and squinted due to the sudden increase in brightness.

   The inside of the hotel was much bigger than the outside. There was an acre-large hardwood floor that was covered by the skin of various different animals. It was impossible to miss the huge reptile skin among them.

   "Hunding you Oaf! Who's this guy and what was the alarm for?" Asked a guy who was sitting on the far corner of a room. He was reading a book and his desk was an overturned boat. He had a name tag reading 'HELGI, MANAGER, EAST GOTHLAND, VALUED TEAM MEMBER SINCE 749 C.E'

   Now that I think about it, I saw Hunding wear a name tag too. I wonder how I missed it. 

   He had one of the longest beard I had ever seen. His hair was unkept and looked like he never combed it in his entire immortal life. Every thing about him seemed repulsive to me. The tone he spoke in, somehow made me feel protective of Hunding. 

   "Mind your manners...Helgi" I said, trying my best to keep the anger out from my voice. Helgi put his book down and glanced at me. His eyebrows scrunched in concentration as he inspected me.

   "You're not Norse! What mess did you make this time Hunding!" He yelled. I saw Hunding walk behind me and put his head down in shame and anger. He grumbled something about ancient feuds. I decided that enough was enough.

   I extended my hand towards Helgi and in the next second, he was a turtle.

   I picked 'turtle Helgi' up and handed him to Hunding, who was shell shocked. I snapped my fingers in front of his face, bringing him out of his daze. I started walking forward. Hunding strolled past me, still curious about my intentions. I smirked internally and turned towards him. 

   "Where are the rest of the einherjar?" I asked him. He seemed doubtful for a second before walking towards what looked to be an elevator with steel cage bars instead of doors. He motioned me to follow and I did. We entered the elevator and the doors slid close. Hunding pressed a button with a red coloured symbol on it and the elevator started moving.

   Good news....the elevator music sucked just as much as the Empire State Building.

   Bad news... I was really hungry. I can't remember the last time I ate something. My body was still mortal and I needed food to sustain it. The elevator doors opened to reveal a really majestic sight....but I've seen better.

[[{ Kinda like this...

[[{ Kinda like this

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  The dining hall was huge. It reminded me of a concert hall. The dining tables were arranged in rows. Each row lower then the next. And on what would be the stage of the hall, there grew a huge tree. And by huge, I mean like really huge. 

   On the tables sat thousands of einherjar, all of them feasting on the wide ranged cuisine. There were ladies in parkas flying all around the room, bringing them with a golden coloured liquid. 

   "The Feast Hall of The Slain" Hunding said,petting the head of his new turtle pet. I nodded and made my way towards the centre. I looked around and saw that there were hundreds of doors surrounding the hall. I approximated the number to be somewhere close to five hundred.

    A place among the tables that looked fancier than the rest caught my eyes. On its centre was a wooden throne. Sitting on the table, were around a dozen men with serious looks on their face. Their goblets were golden and their plates silver. I guessed they were of important people. 

   So obviously, I had to piss them off first. The rest of the army will follow next.

   "Everyone!" I yelled but my voice was drowned from the conversations of ten thousand soldiers. I sighed and took out my sword. I used it as an antennae and channelled some power through it. The ground shook and the mood of the hall took a serious turn.

   Every einherjar could feel the power surge and the hall fell silent. I decided that now was the best time to speak. I don't think the attention span of a few thousand year old teenagers would be very long.

   "Everybody!" I said again, this time in a more mocking tone. Thousands of heads turned towards me. The sight was really intimidating and any sane person would be nervous.

   But then...I can't exactly be called sane, now can I?

   "Who are you?" asked one of the dudes from the fancy table, standing up. I looked at him and smiled in the most innocent way I could.

   "The Pizza delivery guy" I said sarcastically, keeping a straight face.

   The guy looked confused and I couldn't help but laugh. After a few seconds of uncontrolled laughter, I managed to catch my breath. I looked at him again and wiped a tear out of my eye. My expression hardened and I spoke.

   "I demand an audience with Odin" I said in a loud voice. Some of the einherjar scoffed while the other looked like they had heard some really funny joke. I rolled my eyes and extended my had. I closed my eyes and concentrated. 

   My consciousness expanded and I felt it expand in volume. I had one target...Odin. I kept searching until I came across another consciousness. It was free like mine, but much weaker. 

   I 'surrounded' it, effectively trapping it within me. I willed my consciousness to return to my body, bringing the other being with me. I opened my eyes and in a few seconds, there was a bright flash ahead of me.

   When the light dissipated, there stood a man with an eyepatch. He had a look of surprise on his face and his eye, singular mind you, scanned the surroundings before landing on me. 

        "Why hello All-Father" I said cheerfully.

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