A Dangerous Trade

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   "Where am I?"

   "What is this place?"

   "Wait...I've been here before"

   It was..raspy, her breath. Sitting on a throne of power, an aura like no other, an aura of evil. Her face was almost perfect, betrayed only by her eyes. Her eyes...suffering and destruction they promised.

   "Soon, very soon. The choice is yours." Her words were more melodious than a choir of angels and her steps more gracious than a ballet of swans.

   As she walked towards me, a train of memories rushed past. Memory...a precious thing, yet it seemed like an abstract concept now. One memory stayed, while the rest faded into the void.

   It was the one I had when I first entered this...place.

 The barren red landscape was there once more. A battered figure once more lay on the ground while a taller one loomed over him. Once more, I saw him crawl away and scream as he lost blood.

Once more I saw the towering man raise his weapon. He raised it high and used all his might to drive it downward, onto the chest of the defenceless person. 

   "Stop!" I yelled, not being able to take it anymore. Miraculously, it did. The spear hovered an inch above the chest of the man, frozen in time like the rest of world. I heard soft footsteps approach me, yet I couldn't turn.

   "You act noble, pretending to saving the world." Said the woman, walking slowly ahead of me. She stops after a few steps and slowly turns to look at me, pity and disgust on her face. "Yet you are to doom yourself trying to win this stupid skirmish."

   "I- I'm prepared to die if needed" I said. The women's voice clouded my thoughts, making me stammer. She scoffed and walked around me in circles, like an eagle circling its prey.

   "What about your little female companion? Hmm?" She said with a small smile. She knew that she had won. Uncertainty filled me to the brim. I would never let anything happen to andromeda. Never. 

   "Well, I can help you win this war." She said in a sickly sweet voice. My eyes widened upon hearing her. A small part of my mind kept telling me to leave but if there was a way to win this war while saving Andromeda, then I was willing to do it.

   "What do you want?" I asked immediately. I saw her irises glint and a sly grin appear on her  symmetrical face. "You're very smart aren't you?" She said while tapping a finger on her cheek, pretending to think deeply.

   "Well I guess there is something you can do for me." She said while placing a finger under my chin. She slowly leaned closer. I stood perfectly still, not moving a muscle. I was prepared to summon my sword but I knew this was a situation I could just hack through. Our faces were now just a centimetre apart.

   "Life is a precious thing. Is it not?" She said. I felt her warm breath against my skin. "That's what I'll have as payment" 

   She let go of my face, turning swiftly and walking towards her throne. She sat on it, one leg over the other. Only then did I feel the gravity of what she was offering. My life...in exchange for victory in this war.

   I was reluctant at first, it's not everyday that someone asks for your life. But while I tried to deny it, I knew that Andromeda was in danger being here and would always be when around me. If I did this...she could have a chance at a normal life. Well, a normal demigod life.

   "I'll do it" I said. A smile of victory formed on her lips as she tilted her head ever so slightly. "Pleasure doing business with you" she said in a tone that sounded like something out of your worst nightmares.

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