Divine Assistance

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        3rd person's POV

   There was a heavy silence for what felt like an eternity. The monsters and heroes both looked at their leaders in growing anticipation.

   Perseus stood steadfastly, waiting for an answer. It was an answer that could decide the fate of the blissfully unaware world.

   Beads of sweat trickled down his back as he gazed into the eyes of a grinning Horseman of War. What he didn't expect, however, was to hear the sadistic monster laugh.

   "Oh, I accept all right!" Said War, showing all his razor-sharp teeth in a wicked smile. War then placed both his hand on his sword and began chanting. The heroes watched in awe and fear as the sword he held changed in ways that they had never seen before. Its surface became that of a liquid, moulding itself to the will of its master.

   It never flowed out of the unholy hands of the Horseman. Instead, it reshaped itself into a weapon that neither Percy nor his companions had ever seen before.

   It had the shape of an axe on one end, and on the other, it resembled a trident. Yet, it never seemed to remain the same. The trident changed into a Morningstar and then into a War-Hammer, before changing back into its original trident shape.

   War walked forward, the monsters in his army giving him a wide berth as he passed by them. His every step felt like a step closer to the end for Percy.

   "Ready yourself," said War, stopping when he was only around ten feet away from him. Immediately everyone in a twenty-foot radius was pushed back by an unseen force, leaving the two with enough space for their duel.

   Perseus readied his sword, and it burst into greenish flames, the blade itself a dark shade of yellow.

   Much to everyone's surprise, the ground under him suddenly started to swirl into a vortex that steadily rose to cover him till the neck.

   It solidified for a second before breaking off, revealing Percy but with one aspect different. He now had a very own armour of his own. They were awestruck by the beauty of his sheathing, none more than the Hephaestus and Vulcan demigods, all of whom had their eyes wide and mouth dropped. Many in the crowd of heroes supposed that maybe Perseus himself had done this. After all, he had done many things that they couldn't explain.

   Yet, Perseus was as clueless as the rest. He barely had the strength to hold his sword, let alone conjure an armour. He looked at War to see that his smile had vanished, replaced with an expression of irritation.

   Percy took a good look at the armour. It was well crafted and light for its size. He spotted the familiar celestial bronze in the vambraces and Stygian iron in the cuisses. Yet a lot of the composition remained unknown to him. On one of the vambraces, he saw dark markings.

   He saw a few familiar symbols among them. A trident, a caduceus, and a torch with a ring over it were the ones that caught his eye first. They were the symbols of Hermes, Poseidon and Hades.

   He felt something in his hand, something round. Perseus looked at his palm and opened it, revealing a small glass shiny orb the size of a marble. He saw something within it, something moving. He tilted his hand, and as the ball rolled forward, grabbed it between his fingers.

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